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Another Movie I May Never Know the Name Of

No one knew my last one so I thought I’d throw another out there. This one I watched in the early 80s off of one of those big satellites from back in the day that got hundreds of channels. The movie was about this “urban cowboy” like guy’ who looked a bit like the blond fellow from Simon and Simon, who was a detective or something. He hooked up with lots of women throughout the movie and it really crossed over into the soft core realm. In the closing credits this T.G. Shepherd song played, which would make you think it would be easy to research, but I always come up with a dead end.

I was a kid when I watched it and I’d love to figure this one out because I think of it every time I hear that song. Anyone have any idea about this one?


Have you tried rummaging through the comments on YouTube? Often people will leave comments like "so and so brought me here."


No luck there. I did send an email to the TG Sheppard fan club asking if that song had been used in any films. :)


Coast to Coast 1980 or Tough Enough 1983


It’s neither of those two, but thanks for trying.


It was a good scavenger hunt. I'm stumped
