Good question.
I'm home exercising right now - so, Ill probably think of more, which I'll edit in as I go along.
For now what immediately comes to mind is......
Daniel Day Lewis "My Left Foot" - Christy Brown, tortured by his disability. Cursed with alcoholism - yet, becomes a writer and painter.
Philip Seymour Hoffman "Doubt" - Father Flynn - the movie ends, and you still have no idea what was going on with this very complex character. What was he up to? Or was he even up to anything at all? The way Hoffman plays him, you don't know for sure.
Well, how about real life complexity? This man, Barbara Walters stated he was the most complex person she'd ever met - Richard Nixon. Anthony Hopkins played him in "Nixon" - effectively capturing Nixon's characteristics.
Anthony Perkins "Psycho" - Yeah, Norman Bates - that's about as complex as you can get.
I don't think I can top Norman Bates so one will end there.