I find this site is posting normal and seems to in the overnight hours. Not sure if this is because of the Ads Popping up slowing the site down, but please, don't allow anything to happen to this site. This is the only site that truly allows free speech and any other film website like World of KJ Index or Box Office Theory will ban you if so much as say anything positive about Trump or even vote for him, so please, fix the site. You have alot of members on here
shareThis is a truly international site (there’s been a couple of threads recently that demonstrated how spread out globally, us posters are), so technically there isn’t any overnight hours.
One thing I wouldn’t miss is the constant mention of politics on a page that specifically states:
General Discussion: Talk about anything here...except politics.
I was only making a point that this is one of the better websites that doesn't freak out on one's Political association with any candidate and has them Banned for it and I have seen this, so calm down
shareNevertheless, please could I politely ask you in the nicest possible way to refrain from mentioning politics on my threads in GD; if I want my fill of that topic, then I’ll go to the appropriate board, many thanks.
This is a bit dramatic. I would be very surprised if this site ends to exist. I will keep plodding along. Hopefully the issues are sorted out.
I don't think it's going down, but if it does I'll probably see you there. Someone is making money off of the ads and they got updated at some point. Once the revenue dries up it will either be fixed or shut down.
Signed, million man.
Looking good so far today 👍
shareIt’s a bit clunky this morning here but faster than the last few days which were a real shitshow.
shareIf it goes away I will miss occasionally chatting with the two of you. As I have mentioned before, this site filled many long hours during Covid when I couldn't go out and there wasn't much to do. Fortunately, life is better and I'm leaving on a cruise next week with a friend. Starting in Quebec City and ending in NYC.
shareThat’s sweet, thank you😀
Happy cruising to you
Have a super time.
Meanwhile, the regs have found a couple of other sites that we could migrate to, if the worst happens.
BillHicksFan has created a group on Discord.
There’s also a few that are on Movieforum.com
I have no intention of leaving here, but it’s good to have a Plan B.
they need to reboot the server, and or delete aged threads.
shareI don't think they should be deleting probably anything. That's what IMDb did and there were deservedly protests over that.
shareif this is a free endeavor, space will be limited, and affect performance.
If it comes to closing down or slicing off really old threads (replaced by new ones all the time) I'd say cut the old stuff rather than close. information is fliud, and there is nothing world changing found here.
this isn't near as global as IMDB was.
That would be insane.
Signed, million man.
Is this Nimda?
Signed, million man.
Cool. I'm over there too but I almost never post. Your site is confusing to navigate and all the slash dots are kind of weird. I just don't get it.
Signed, million man.
I didn't mean anything by it. It's just a huge difference from here is all and I dislike learning new things. I still lurk and might comment here and there.
Signed, million man.
Well my favorite German lady friend is there (Tara/TimeTunnel) so I will definitely visit. And you seem nice and thanks for explaining yourself.
Signed, million man.
I’m no fan of FB and I have absolutely no intention of jumping ship, but it’s nice to have a Plan B.
Fingers crossed this gets resolved 🤞