Tell something unusual about yourself.
I use kleenex as napkins. I'm not sure when it started, but for the last few years or so I order the 24 box of tissues from Amazon, and use them as napkins.
shareI use kleenex as napkins. I'm not sure when it started, but for the last few years or so I order the 24 box of tissues from Amazon, and use them as napkins.
shareI drink 4-5 energy drinks per day and still fall right to sleep.
shareI knew someone who did that and it was because he was compensating for the hard drug addiction he had quite since a few years.
Why do you need 4-5 energy drink/day?
It’s so dangerous to do that!!
I have ADHD and they help me focus, you could say I'm compensating for no prescription meds, so in some ways it's not that different from the person you know.
shareI limit it to one or two per week, and it just so happens to coincide with the MovieChat Movie Club timeslot. :-)
shareSupposedly I have an ancestor that came to America on the Mayflower. My maternal grandmother wrote down the lineage, but I say supposedly because I don't believe she ever consulted a professional genealogist or was ever in touch with The General Society of Mayflower Descendants.
However, I think being a descendant of someone on the Mayflower isn't especially rare.
I'm a dentist.
--Michael D. Clarke
Thats not really unusual, and I think I knew that. Why do dentist have such high suicide rates?
shareThe expectation to be perfect all the time, yet people have unrealistic goals. Also, entitled staff/patients. The stress of running a business. Also, the amount of times people say "I hate the dentist". It can be fairly depressing. Pretty much sums it up.
--Michael D. Clarke
When I eat boiled eggs, I have a little bit of the shell as well because it contains iron and I like the texture.
shareDid not expect that. Its true but a little weird.
shareOkay, then why a little bit? Why not just eat the whole shell?
shareWell that would be just weird, right?
shareI think I'm gonna try it just to see if it feels too weird.
shareI haven't taken a shower in the last month.
sharewhy not?
shareI take a bath everyday.
shareWater-waster! Unless you work at a job that gets you dirty, no need. for this neurotic cleansing ritual.
shareGrowing up, we always took baths, and hardly ever took showers. I don't know why, but that's what we did. I suppose it was because kids get pretty dirty sometimes. I'm a shower person now, but every once in a while, I'd like to take a bath. I can't, though. I don't have a bathtub in my house now.
sharemy son had a thing for the daughter of an old girlfriend of mine. i thought it was funny, my wife not so much. they went on a few dates while in college but nothing became of it.
shareMy guess is your wife didn't want any connection from your old girlfriend to your life. I'm living that now. My Ex is dating someone who is very jealous of me.
share"Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm" maybe in English: "like father, like son".