MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are you interested in archery?

Are you interested in archery?

Outside of video games, not really. I have shot an arrow from a bow in day camp though. Wasn't able to hit the target, the arrow didn't travel far.


I took an archery class in college. I got a bullseye on my first day, but in another person's target! The bow gave me such bad arm bruises at first my uncle asked me were they track marks! I have fond memories of the class. I can see the quiet edge of campus with all the targets lined up in a row in my mind right now. I remember there wasn't a lot of talking going on, just the sound of the bowstrings being released, the woosh of arrows, and the thud of arrows making contact with targets.


Someone wasn't giving you proper instruction on shooting technique. I cringe when I see some folks shoot. I think it's like golf or any number of sports: your stance and technique are important and make all the difference.


I believe you. I remember being told my elbows are hypermobile, but I wasn't really told how to compensate for that. It was almost as if it's "normal" to have bruising like that with elbows like mine. It didn't look nor feel normal.


It's one reason I'll never play golf - the way the arms should be positioned during the swing feels completely unnatural. I'll stick to archery. And bowling.


Don't feel confortable with weapons in my hands


Properly operating a bow of whatever sort is a real discipline and and bows are not generally considered a war weapon nowadays.

Archery is similar to darts or plinking away with a small calibre rifle at cans.

It's lots of fun with friends, just simple fun, but it all keeps you sharp.


Didn't hold my interest. I got good at it, pretty much always hit the center of the target and was like.... okay then. I'm not a hunter so it just got boring.


I've had a custom-made bow since I was fifteen. Very proficient with it. Unfortunately, haven't used it in a while since I can't get it serviced because the guy who made it has passed and archery aficionados really want to get their hands on his bows.


I gave it a try when I was a teenager, I managed to take a few weeks of archery lessons!

I was crap. For one thing, somehow the bowstring would always give the wrist of the hand that held the bow a short sharp thwap, and I still don't know how I did that. For another, you don't fire arrows in a straight line, you have to aim above the target so that the arrow will travel along an arc, and to do that you have to adjust for distance with every shot. I still have no idea how good archers do that, unless they just pay a fortune for bows that send arrows in a straight line.


I was the guy who showed William Tell how to shoot an apple atop of his kid’s head.


I did some back at school. It was pretty fun. I wouldn't mind taking up hunting with a bow and arrow.


It was my best sport at summer camp. I got all the awards. A few years ago I tried it again and the arrows went no where near the target. Hurt my thumb too. Oh well, at least I have my memories.
