Quitting Porn

It is one of the hardest addictions to quit since it was my first drug addiction before ever trying substances even. Unlike drugs that cost money and resources porn is "free" which allows the addict to indulge unlimited time into the addiction. There is no "free" products in this world tho, if you are getting something for free that means YOU ARE THE PRODUCT! Porn is pushed by people in power to keep you WEAK. They want subservient low testosterone cucks who pay there taxes and don't reproduce. Ur only cuckholdin yourself by watching porn... I have been off Alcohol for over a year and am finally serious about getting off the Porn. Been three days since my last relapse but I had a couple good streaks this year one that went 13 days. Weed is my last addiction to give up but I feel like it isnt as disastrous to my life as pornography so I will be quitting that last after I conquer this addiction. Wish me luck!


You'll be back. They always come back...

Signed, million man.


🤣 i hope not


They always come back...

It's best to avoid getting any in your eye.


Too late. That shit stings.

Signed, million man.


Lol, so true.


I wish I could stop watching porn. Sex is not an easily available commodity for men. It sucks when porn is the only thing you know sexually.


you can stop! anything is possible if you out your mind to it brother!!


So are quitting just porn, or jerking off too? You can use your imagination..

Signed, million man.


both. i tried quitting just quitting porn but found myself able to waste huge amounts if time and energy jerking to my imagination as well. my goal is too ejaculate too only real life encounters with woman


Enjoy your wet dreams then

Signed, million man.


Yeah once I had two weeks abstinence and jizzed myself while napping on a public bus while touring Europe. I went back to fapping after that but wish I stuck with it. this time I will!


Good luck!


Signed, million man.


thanks brother!


I can stay away from porn for as long as I want. I did it before for six months just to see if I could do it. It wasn't difficult at all, but then again I am not an addict. I like porn though, so I don't see the problem in watching it once in a while for fun, provided that it doesn't interfere with your sex life in the real world with your partner (which it doesn't for me).


I have an addictive personality and cant do anything in moderation. Remember when I was a kid getting into porn could jerk over 10 times a day (probably more than 12 is my highscore but I would never keep track during these benders and can only estimate). Been easier for me to quit hard drugs like cocaine, opiates, and alcohol then it has been for me to get off the porn. It is so accessible is the problem. But at the end of the day it is mind over matter. I believe in myself that I can finally conquer this last demon on my shoulder


I also have an addictive personality, but I have a process addiction, so I don't stick with one addiction. At first I drank alcohol for a couple years, then got bored with it, and moved on to weed for 2 years, got bored with that, then moved on to cocaine, did that for about a year, and lost interest in that, now I do adderall, but time is running out, I can feel that I'm approaching the end of the road with it too. I don't want to stop, I wish I could keep doing these drugs, but they get boring for me, and so I stop. The same thing is with movies, music, taking courses, coding, etc. I do them for a while and then move on to the next thing because I get bored. The one drug that I didn't get addicted to was MDMA, because I purposefully tried to avoid doing it too often. I would only do it for short periods of time, then take a break, and come back to it and do some more. I love MDMA and I don't want it to lose its magic so if I were to do it again, I would only save it for special occasions like New Years Eve and birthdays.


MDMA is badass. I did a pure rock crystal of that stuff when in Adelaide Australia and was a big fan


Like I wrote in another post to Bloodshot:

Yep. I love MDMA.
In fact I love it so much that the MDMA molecule has been my profile pic on my YouTube channel for the last 15+ years.

I used to study chemistry in college. I had a love for Phenethylamines.


yeah I love stimulants too. I only use them in a blue moon these days tho since I like them too much and easily get lost in the sauce. Used to have an adderall script from age 16-18 but got off it since it ruined my life in the end. would rather have an addy then coke to this day I loved the way those pills made me feel (in the honeymoon stages of drug use)


Yeah, I definitely prefer addys to coke. It's not that coke is bad, in fact, the euphoria might be slightly better, but the problem is how short it lasts. I smoked rock a couple times (crack cocaine), and it was nice, but literally lasts like 10 min, that's bullshit. That's almost like doing WhipIts (Nitrous oxide). The high is way too short. With cocaine you could at least get like 40-45 min. Back in the day, I would get two eight balls and party all night. I would do 7 grams in 8 hours. Good times.
But that is nothing compared to addys. On addys I once binged for 7 days straight. No sleep, no food, just trance music and coding, it was awesome, no negative side effects. I finished like 20 projects during those 7 days, I solved problems that I had trouble solving for months. Then you just take a Klonopin when you want to end the binge. Take a 1mg of Klonopin and you literally lose consciousness within 20 min. Then you wake up 16 hours later feeling like a million bucks. There is this great after glow for me, not as good as MDMA, but similar. Which makes sense since MDMA is a similar molecule to Methamphetamine, and Addys are amphetamines.


luckily i never tried the rock, I like smoking and coke so the mix of the two would be bad for me. I lived in Colombia for a month and did a whole mess of cocaines while out there. these past couple year I have been pretty good only doing small amounts once or twice a year when people offer it too me


I'm not opposed to doing coke, like you, if someone offered it to me at a party, I would partake. But I'm no longer interested in doing all night binges. I prefer addys for that anyway. Also, I have a script for addys, and they don't cost me anything, and it's legal. Don't have to worry about trying to get a hold of a dealer, the shady meet ups, and then the drive home transporting a large quantity of narcotics.

Speaking of, I once was pulled over with 30 cocaine rocks in my pocket. I already got a speeding ticked on the way to the dealer, so the cop took away my license. Then I got pulled over on the way back. The cop said since I didn't have a license they would have to take me in and impound my car. I was already picturing my entire life going down the drain because with that much quantity, prison is mandatory. I was very respectful to the cop and apologized and was ready to get out of the car, and then in the last moment he said he was going to give me a break. He didn't feel like going through the whole process, so he let me go. To go from 150% panic to complete relief is quite an interesting experience. Needless to say I smoked a lot of rock that night and it was fucking awesome. Good Times.


sounds pretty rock n roll


I wanna rock n' roll all night and party every day


that sounds impossible.


im uncircumcised so natural lubrication allows me to get these "superhuman" numbers


sounds painful.


That’s my cue. I think I had enough MovieChat for tonight.




Good luck beating your habit, it will take rock hard determination and you may need a helping hand.


Don't be a jerk off!


You’re such a tool!


Well that was a stroke of genius!




Thanks, but if you had insulted me again I’d say you should get a spanking.


Now now! Don't go off half cocked! Things could get sticky.


I’m sorry, I can be a real prick sometimes.


Sounds like you could be edging toward a real beating...


Now you’re just being wack!


Come come, here here! ...wait! ...not here!


You’ve got a real pair of balls on you.


Why thank you, ya nut!


Let’s remain friends but we’ll skip the handshake.




I think we both handled that to completion👍


That was awesome! haha


Quit yer sword fighting over here!

Signed, million man.


We’re both at half mast and will likely paddle away now.


I'm stroking my hydrogen rod!

Signed, million man.




I used to really like Playboy magazine back in the day but I don’t know if most people view that as porn or not. It was really just nudity. What I’ve never been interested in was porno flicks.


porno mags are more innocent and less damaging to the soul the hardcore films. I remember my friends and I stealing one porno mag each from his cousins collection when we were 12 or 13. I had this magazine called Perfect 10 a 1999 or 1998 edition. It was awesome cause all the girls in this porno mag were plastic surgery free and all natural. I wish I still had a copy of it for sentimental values


I quit 4 years ago. Its like any addiction though, you have to want to quit. The problem is most people don´t want to.


Congratulations man! Yeah I do wanna quit. This time is the time when I finally conquer this addiction


Ty. Good luck with it.


I might move into the zoo.


porn is fake
