I haven't seen many obscure movies from any decade, and nearly all of them that I've seen were laughably bad. The only obscure one I can think of that I really liked is Cohen & Tate (1988), but I wouldn't call it a "feel good movie."
I rented it one day in the early 1990s after browsing for about a half hour and not finding anything I wanted to rent. Finally I decided I was just going to pick a movie at random from the section of the store I was browsing, and it happened to be Cohen & Tate, which I'd never heard of. I ended up renting it quite a few more times over the years. After the video rental store closed in the late 2000s, I looked for it on DVD, but it didn't exist (the DVD wasn't released until 2011), so I bought a VHS copy of it. In 2013 Shout Factory released it on Blu-ray, so I bought that.