MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Things that only happen in movies and no...

Things that only happen in movies and not the real world

1) beer bottles smash with ease. You can tap it against the side of the table and it will smash.

2) knifes make a metal on metal sound despite not being kept in a metal sheath.

3) cars get airborne rear-ending a parked car.


4. Wild animals will make as much noise as possible and will posture threateningly for a few seconds before finally attack a person.


5. The Eiffel Tower is visible from every apartment in Paris.
6. Tires screech, even on gravel roads.


I was just thinking yesterday watching 2012, why are the limo's tires screeching as he pulls up at low speed? Hollywood cliché.


7. Someone hears a spooky noise in their house at night, so they get up to investigate it, but don't turn on a single light.


or someone goes to pick up their friend in the middle of the night, in the woods, calls their cell and gets no answer, gets a rock smashed through their windshield, drops phone and jumps out saying "WTF?".... sees their friend's car smashed with the lights on and then goes in an *open* front door to investigate.

sorry. yes, this scene triggered me as the dumbest thing ive seen on film.
was stuck in the theater watching this crap (strangers 2008)


That drives me CRAZY cause it's so STOOPID!





people getting amnesia.


I forgot about that.





And a bump to the head can both cause and cure amnesia.


Hotwiring a car takes just a few seconds, no matter the year of the vehicle.


Yeah, Hollywood Hotwiring has always been ridiculous, and it became even more ridiculous after about 1970 when cars started having steering wheel locks that were activated/deactivated by turning the ignition lock switch, which you need a key for. So even if you happen to know the wiring scheme of the particular car you've decided to hotwire, it won't do you much good if you can't steer the car because the ignition lock switch is still in the off position. Of course, Hollywood just pretended the whole steering wheel lock thing never happened, and continued to show people hotwiring a car and driving off without any problems.

I wonder if Hollywood still does that with modern cars, which can't simply be hotwired. The process of starting a new car today without authorization would be far more involved than simply connecting a hot wire to the ignition system and then jumping the starter solenoid.


Something else that became increasingly difficult and then impossible to do with post 1970s vehicles, was to open a locked car with a reshaped, wire coat hanger. I managed to do it a couple of times with older model vehicles when I accidentally locked my keys inside. I remember the second time it took at least a good 30 min. of tenacious maneuvering to finally snag that locking door knob.


No one ever seems to get a concussion.


1. People always know how to get into a person’s computer and know all the software and apps on it
2. People leave the shower running
3. People leave the house without their keys/ wallets


"It's a UNIX system! I kNoW tHiS!!"
- random kids in a park


🤣! Exactly!


Car doesn't start when being chased.

Dodging bullets.

Nerds in high school fitting in lockers.
