Not something that really interests me and from what I have heard in the past it's only tourists that keep it going.
I found this funny from Wikipedia.
"In Canada, Portuguese-style bullfighting was introduced in 1989 by Portuguese immigrants in the town of Listowel in southern Ontario. Despite objections and concerns from local authorities and a humane society, the practice was allowed as the bulls were not killed or injured in this version.[22] In the nearby city of Brampton, Portuguese immigrants from the Azores practice "tourada a corda" (bullfight by rope)."
I can imagine the SJW Canadian authorities. "B,b,but the animals? PETA will not like this! But... they are Portuguese people, they aren't quite... white... are they? Oh dear... we might have to weigh a few things up here.. Perhaps Trudeau can provide us with the latest SJW check sheet so we can assess this properly. Perhaps there are some non white Trans matadors that would seal the deal."