MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > PRIDE MONTH DISGUSTS ME!


Especially when its SHOVED down the throats of the people!

From Joe Biden and the White House posting about it, to corporate America changing the logos of its companies to go rainbow, you can't escape it.

And that in itself is hateful to Christian conservatives.

We have the right not to be castigated for holding to our traditional morals regarding sex and sexuality; we live in a pluralistic society, where people can live their lives as they wish.

But as the saying goes 'your right to swing your arm extends as far as my nose'.

We find gay sex an abomination in the sight of God.

And yet we have to put up with what is unholy and abominable, being shoved in our faces.

In this way, we are being persecuted. And discriminated against.

And why a whole month?

There's one day for father's day, one day for mother's day, one day for memorial day: but these deviants get a whole month!

I'm glad I don't live in the USA where its non-stop and everywhere.

Its seeping into Australia, like a bad smell that came over from the states, but its not all pervasive here, thank God.

America: you need to put your manners back in!




This persona is the worst one yet and that says it allπŸ‘Ž


There's worse on these boards. I'll take a troll over an asshole any day.


It's not that deep, and you don't have to participate in it. Geez, I didn't even know it was happening and now I do, it's not changed a single thing about my life.

Also, God spends a lot more time encouraging His followers to love people than to attack people, and the gays seem to be doing that more and better than Christian homophobes, so maybe focus on that.


not sure if you understand, or if you are in America. Us MAJORITY of the people HAVE TO SEE IT in our faces AT OUR FREAKING JOBS. They send out emails, they change logos, they set up various awareness things so the AWARENESS is all up in front of us, even if we don't want to see it.

Where is our CHOICE to not see it when we go to work? Quit our job? That's not even remotely realistic. I don't show up at work, swinging my dick out and around bragging about about banging women, but works SUPPORTS and PUSHES LQBTQXYZWTF all over us for having a job. It's bullshit.

For what? Supporting DIVERSITY so no one cancels the business on twitter? This is all completely unhealthy. I guess Twitter is the new God.

Everyone has sex. And yet, sex is a taboo topic in the workplace. Ask ANY "HR" dept..... except when the work place ENDORSES homoSEXuality?? did you see sex in that word even? anyone with minor math skills equate the hypocritic equation here?

What ever you think of Connie93, he or she is just voicing what 95% of the population thinks, but doesn't DARE talk about it. That other 5% is the very noisy "other" population who thinks they are special for some reason.


Where is your choice to see anything you don't wanna see? Homelessness sucks, but you still have to see homeless people if they're living outside of your home/town/workplace. Also, what exactly is offensive about logo changes, emails and a few rainbow flags? You get spam emails all the time, Google literally changes its logo constantly depending on the holiday and you don't get to choose the majority of the decor at your workplace, which usually also sucks.

You could realistically go to work and brag to your coworkers about banging women, and your co-workers can do the same and it's not as though you can avoid this whether the worker is male or female. Unless you own the business, it's not your choice who you're forced to work with. Sex is absolutely not a taboo topic; maybe your boss or manager discourages it, but it doesn't go un-talked about.

I disagree that this needless outrage over simply acknowledging the existence of gay people is the majority of opinion coz it doesn't make any sense and I'd like to believe aren't that senseless. Their existence isn't a disease, you can't catch it, so it doesn't do anything to you to simply be told about it. Also, are straight people not annoying? Is locker room talk not as puerile any other type of over the top sex talk between any same-sex people? Are straight couples not tiresome? Come on.


couple things:

1st, I am guessing you are not in america where corporate america is so afraid of lawyer shadows NO ONE is allowed to discuss ANYTHING sexual at work because it would make someone feel uncomfortable. HR would write you up, lawyers would be activated to mitigate damage control, and your future with a company would be in grave danger, and maybe with many companies the way word spreads now. you absolutley DO NOT talk or joke about sex with anyone at the office anymore. maybe some small business owned ma and pop shops you could get away with it, but really the scary X factor is women. At any second they could freak out and claim sexual harrassment if you hold eye contact to long, or accidently touch them, or they could even just make up shit and have you removed. It's truly insane.
But yes, you no longer can have any water cooler talks about any of that.
So, none of us 95% straights can REMOTELY mention anything sex, but 5% get to have a month of "awareness" painting the walls of our office?

The outrage is from 95% of the people are angry that some 5% need to be pushed out publicly. I never march in a parade that small children can watch proclaiming my hetrosexuality and dressing in a manner that amplifys my said sexuallity, still infront of the children, or even pushing WORDS about it, that makes them question what it all means.

IE other than the fact that I mention it here, I NEVER mention my sexuality in public in real life, and there is no sane reason it needs to be broadcast, from and for anyone, even. That's just basic human decency, understanding that others have may have different boundries, and respecting them like all humans should.

its fine if people feel I am ranting, but my base exists around never caring what people choose to do BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. Do whatever you like. More power to you. Be average or weird, freaky, kinky, S&M, bondage, do whatever you enjoy BEHIND CLOSED DOORS.

I don't shove MY sexuality on anyone. No one should have to have it shoved on them. It's insane.


I'm not in America, true. But if that's the case, whenever anyone brings up their sexual orientation to you, you can say "sorry, this kind of talk is against company policy" or, you know, just say you feel uncomfortable discussing any sex-related topics of any nature at work. Also, locker room talk absolutely goes on. No one can stop you if you and your co-workers leave work on your lunch break and discuss your sexual proclivities in the local Starbucks down the street.

You not marching in a parade and your actions in general regarding your own sexuality, has nothing to do with someone else's actions regarding their sexuality. They are not obligated to mimic you just to convenience you. Why it even is an inconvenience to you, I still don't understand.

Do you express equal irritation at parents who go outdoors with their kids, because nothing screams heterosexuality more than children. Have you ever told a mother or father to keep their unseemly behaviour behind closed doors and stop shoving proof of their sexual activities down your throat when you see them in public with their children? Do you forgo weddings because the open hetero-normativity of it all makes you barf? When a friend calls to discuss someone they're dating who happens to be of the opposite sex, do you end the conversation and tell them to keep it to themselves? I doubt it.

And again, sexuality is not a virus that can be caught. So kids seeing anyone kiss or celebrate their love for someone else is not inherently dangerous to them. If you believe that children being exposed to what homosexuality means will then lead them to become homosexual themselves, then I guess it seems to me like you're actually saying that sexuality is learned - and if so, why shouldn't homosexuality be learned? It's clearly not that unnatural if all it takes is for little Billy to see two men kiss to want to kiss another man.

Again, it's not that deep. Just put on some Ed Sheeran and live, laugh, love.


its all fair because its the only month where I DON'T walk around publicly proclaiming how hetrosexual I am.

I usually walk through the malls in public shouting, "I'm straight! Hetro! I have sex by sticking my penis inside women!!"

And it's all fair because everyone I cross paths with, strangers or friends, should know about my sexuality. We're all human and need to know this daily.

Perhaps, long shirts with lists of our sexual exploits should be warned by everyone. What do you think? Would you buy and wear one? Maybe I can get the government to force everyone to wear one


So, soldier on, butt fuckers!


excellent points!

everyone should know what makes ppls dick's hard, and where they put them.

And should broadcast that to everyone.



Whistle to the DOGS and they will come.

I always thought you were a fucking scumbag. Thanks for confirming it.


How is my position wrong or any different than pride month shoving homosexality in front of my young children?

Shouldn't everyone know everyone's sexual identity to make the world a better place?
Maybe instead of insults of an opinion you don't like, you could discuss it like a rational adult?
Maybe not possible?


β€œSo, soldier on, butt fuckers!”

And you want to talk to me about insults and rational fucking debate?

Fuck you, lowlife.


Is butt fucker term incorrect? I'm not above correction.


Has anyone ever called you a vagina sticker?


if they did, the terminology would be correct. I wouldn't care. truth is truth is truth, and I always prefer truth over fiction, wishes, or feelings.


But you do let us all know all the time that you are straight.

I do doubt that with your views on women you are actually sticking your penis in one, but I'm sure you fantasize about it.


I have zero reason to brag, but since this is a time to be proud of sexuality, in this sex positive thread, yes, I've gotten plenty.
Even did the 365 challenge once which was interesting!
I also proud of providing multiples, to the point of girls me to give classes to guys. I shit you not.

Thanks for asking!
Stay proud!!!


I also proud of providing multiples, to the point of girls me to give classes to guys. I shit you not.

Thanks for the funniest thing I've heard all day.


it's truth, not comedy :D
of course, i don't expect you to believe anything online, but that doesn't change my reality.
all women are capable.


Madam Chung is at it again in full form.

Moral figure for a new generation of Asian Americans,!


You are always looking for something to be offended by. It's getting monotonous.



Like having sexual orientation brought up constantly isn't offensive?
Well alrighty then


"Like having sexual orientation brought up constantly isn't offensive?"

Yes, it is. That's a product of the left, who would rather talk about pronouns and gender issues -- rather than "kitchen table issues" that concern us all.

People are concerned with their wallets, safety, and health -- not all this extraneous bullshit.

But, the Dems stress the extraneous to DEFLECT; it's all smoke and mirrors!


hahahahah yup!
But, I don't smoke, and don't need a mirror :D :D

See, gentle readers? There are others willing to be honest and step up and say something. There is a reason people need to voice these perspectives. And it is pretty obvious, even if it is on the wrong side of the opinion to you.


"There is a reason people need to voice these perspectives."

And, the reason is that too many people have their heads up their asses, afraid of speaking the truth, afraid of being canceled.

We're all supposed to march in WOKE lockstep! πŸ™„


It should coincide with mental illness awareness month


Lol, good one.


I feel like I need to do a Silkwood shower after this thread.


I've always believed if you want to be treated as equals you don't need a Pride month.




