MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Everybody should stop saying these thing...

Everybody should stop saying these things:

"I could care less"
"It's besides the point"

Any others?


"Here's a dime - call someone who cares."


"24/7/365"... it's either "24-7-52" or just "24-7."


I've never thought about that one much but now you mention it, it IS annoying.


"If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you."





for Library


After a the last few weeks of watching social media I'd like to reiterate; I really wish people would STOP saying "I could care less". Aren't they aware of how completely stupid it makes them appear?


20 years ago you would hear half the people saying it incorrectly. Today, I don't think I have encountered a single person (excluding you) that says it correctly ("I couldn't care less"). It's reached a point where the incorrect version is now the considered correct version. I literally had people argue this with me. I had to point it out to them that "I could care less" is nonsensical. It literally means the opposite of what people are trying to say when they say it. But they don't care.


I know what you mean, it baffles me that many refuse to acknowledge the blatant error.

It's like 'Nucular'. People seem to think because that mispronunciation is common, then it's fine. It's more than a mispronunciation, more like a deliberately ignorant verbal misspelling.


Unfortunately with words like "Nucular", if enough people say it this way it will become the "correct" version eventually. Possibly even to the point where the spelling will change to match the incorrect version. Because there the problem is with the pronunciation rather than the meaning. But fight the good fight friend, that's what I'll be doing.


"Unfortunately with words like "Nucular", if enough people say it this way it will become the "correct" version eventually"

Being a scientific term, let's very much hope not. Would we logically also then refer to the core of an atom as the 'nuculus'? That would really chap my ass.


Well in the early 15th century the correct way to say "bird" was "Bridd". But throughout the 15th century people mispronounce it as "Berd" and at some point that became the correct way to say it. And by the 16th century the spelling changed to fit with the new way of pronouncing it: "Bird".


I'm pretty sure "Nucular" is a regional pronunciation, because I've heard a bunch of folks from Texas (besides our former POTUS) say it that way...The other day I even heard an interview where an executive at the NRC pronounced it that way!


I could care less 😉


It's good to know you care, as we all should.



ffs, Just say 'building' or 'place' or 'room' or some other logical term.

Stop referring to every place and situation as a f*cking "space" when you dribble about your pet political concept or whine about your feelings or moan that everything isn't always going your way.


"You get more bees with honey than you do with vinegar."

Has anyone ever tested this? If I put a big bowl of honey on my windowsill, would I get a bunch of bees? I would think I would get more bears or ants with honey. I'm a city boy.


The version I'm familiar with is, "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar" to which I usually respond, "you catch a lot more than either with shit."
