MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I don't mind texting in the movie theate...

I don't mind texting in the movie theater if...

It's movie related. So you're looking up the cast or googling a certain point.

That's fine.

If I glance over and someone is just doing random stuff on their phone that takes me out of it.

But if I see they're googling the cast I'm like right on man.


it's never ok.
that glowing screen in the dark is a cinematic faux pas.
i'll occasionally glance at my phone to see what time it is, but i always make sure the screen is pointed down and not visible to anyone else.
because i care about my fellow man, and am not a thoughtless jerk who lets his screen glow in the theatre for all to see.


Yep. My sentiments exactly!!


What if you drop your keys or wallet and you need your light from the phone to make it easier to find?


i'll give a pass to someone who's lost a wallet. otherwise, i'm a zealot on this.

i left my glasses in the theatre when i went to see west side story, & no one turned them into the lost and found. harrumph!

but i needed new ones anyway, so i'm not too peeved about it.


I've been known to have my keys drop out of my pocket. Good to know I will be free of Damo judgement.


Well said. 👍


I mind it, regardless of what they are doing. They should lookup the cast before or after, not during the movie! It's annoying when people text or use their phone during the movie.


We live in 2022. We interact with things using our phones. So as long as it is an actual interaction with the movie you shouldn't scorn it.


no no no no no

you don't pull out your phone in a dark theatre.
people are there to watch the movie.
not to be distracted by your glaring screen.
turn that thing off and leave it off while you're in the theatre.

think of other people. golden rule.


you interact with things with your phone, that doesn't mean everyone else does.


"We live in 2022. We interact with things using our phones."

I don't care what year it is. Overdependence on some ridiculous electronic device is causing our society to become dumbed-down and lazy. This will be our downfall. There's something wrong with people whose lives revolve around a silly gadget. They can't divert their eyes from the screen for even a couple of seconds, even when their own personal safety and that of others is at stake. That's why you hear of people walking into traffic and falling down stairs, or ending up causing a car accident because they had to stare at the stupid thing while driving.

I've seen this at sporting events, even the Super Bowl! During one broadcast, the camera was panning along the stands, showing the crowd. Here were people who paid thousands of dollars for game tickets, air fare and hotels to attend what they consider the biggest event of the year, and what were they doing? Staring at their stupidphones rather than watching the game. Why waste the time and money going to a game or movie if you don't plan on watching it?


Maybe because they don't want to look at the field in between plays and our news feeds can be exciting places?


Is that what they're looking at? I've always wondered what was so-o-o important on those screens that they can't pull their eyes away from it.

"News feeds" can wait a couple of hours. It's the same stories repeated endlessly. Even "breaking news" is often devoid of substance... it's just reporters standing around filling time with speculation and conjecture, waiting for something to potentially happen. Nothing that warrants interrupting a movie or game.


Something we definitely agree on.


Nope - turn the damn thing off and leave it alone until the movie is over.


ditto. always turn mine off.


I still say we should build cellphone jammers into theatres.


i believe the alamo drafthouse chain in the us has a no tolerance policy on phones. you take it out once and you're gone.

i would love it if chains here would adopt that.


Yes, they will toss a person out

The horror marathons I used to attend at another theater had the same rule, any cell phone usage or filming and the customer is out of there, the warning was made right up front


Unfortunately, cell phone blocking technology is illegal in public places. Restaurants are another venue that could use this.


Building a theatre with a large amount of steel in the walls is illegal?


I'm not sure if steel inside the walls is still a problem with today's cell phone technology. Maybe if it were a solid sheet of steel, which would be unwieldy and difficult to incorporate into standard commercial property. Maybe a user here who has better knowledge of electronics or physics could explain?

The technology I'm talking about works on the same frequency as the cell phone and jams the signal. Here's an example:

This is illegal in public venues because it blocks all signals, which includes 911 calls.


Today's cellphones still use radiowaves, so a Faraday cage would work.



Should have simply put a sign that says no phones allowed and ask customers to leave if they whip their phones out. It's just a bar, not AREA 51.


If it was area 51 they'd have armed guards shooting people who pulled out their phones.


And aliens probing the butts.


Cell phone blocking technology is also illegal in prisons. Now there is something that makes no sense.


I don't get that, either. Unless it has something to do with 911 calls?





I can't see why it would make a blind bit of difference what they are doing. The effect on other people is the same.

'I've just remembered I have to transfer money from my account into someone else's before 9pm or they'll kill my family.' Don't care. Turn your phone off and watch the damn movie.


phones should be banned from theaters.


Cell phone blocking technology exists but unfortunately it's illegal. It would be perfect for theaters and restaurants.


They can simply put a sign that says no phones allowed and ask customers to leave if they whip their phones out.

But no, they just don't want to lose customers.


People ignore signs all the time. And theater employees probably don't wish to cause a confrontation.


I mind. I go to the movies where the theaters are underground. No cell service so problem solved.


No, never.


Well, if they're not just googling the cast what are you gonna do, eh? Bitching? Moaning?
