MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > People spread COVID, vaccine or not

People spread COVID, vaccine or not

All I hear is how the "anti-vaxxers" are spreading COVID and perpetuating its existence. It's politicized nonsense. People spread the virus, like every other virus. As a collective, people are lazy, social critters. They don't want to be burdened unnecessarily and they want to interact with one another. People who've had the vaccine are acting like they're immune to the virus and use it as their excuse to go forth and be merry. People who have not had the vaccine to do the same thing. Either because they believe the 99% survival rate works in their favor or they just don't care. Either way, the virus is going to spread and the "vaccine" is not going to stop it. This should be clear to both sides. Demonizing each other over taking the vaccine or wearing masks does nothing but spread the misery and deepen the divide.


"Demonizing each other over taking the vaccine or wearing masks does nothing but spread the misery and deepen the divide."

Absolutely agree.

I'm triple jabbed and wear a mask when shopping but I'm not going to tell someone that they should have a jab, the same way as I don't want an antivaxer telling me I'm a sheep.

Regardless of which 'side' anyone is on, people do what is right for themselves.




While I agree with this and I do think that people are free to make their own choices, I also think that business have the right to make their own choices too, and that excluding people on the basis of a decision is not discrimination. While I have no issues with someone not getting a jab, I do have issues with those same people berating employees for company policies, and I certainly have an issue with those people who protest at hospitals.


Excluding someone based on anything someone decides is the literal defintion of discrimination.

You want them dicriminated against and refused entry due to their medical descisions. That is discrimination based on medical grounds.

You cannot pick and choose what discrimination is. Discrimination is discrimination no matter how you try and spin it.


Discrimination is when it's something you can't change, like skin colour, or sexuality. If there is a legitimate reason why you cannot be vaccinated, most places in area will let you in with a negative test result.

Not getting vaccinated is a choice. It's nothing new. There are certain countries you can't go to without vaccinations. Immigrants may have to be vaccinated to come to the west, depending on where they are from. Can't go to a lot of schools without vaccinations. But....If you want to go to these places, you can get vaccinated. That's why it's not discrimination.

Just like if I want to go into a place that requires shoes, I fully expect to be kicked out if I'm not wearing shoes. I can't drive without a license. It's not discrimination if I get pulled over and arrested because I didn't get a license.


they should be mandatory.


get vaccinated loser




Thanks for adding nothing new to the discussion. How many Covid threads do we need.


The lies, maybe???, have come to an end.

Biden gave up on COVID. Gave "control" to the states. As if they didn't have it already. LOL.

If everyone in FL dies and CA takes over the world, Biden and the Commies will have been proven right.
I bet $950 on FL winning this race.


I can't believe you just used the word Commies, wow, man, I have no words.
