Remember: we return to Standard Time (id est, REAL Earth time) in the US at 2 AM on 7 November. Turn your timepieces back 1 hour.
Ben Franklin was cool, but Daylight Saving Time ranks right up there with the Electoral College, Esperanto and Ebonics as a fuckwitted idea. How could the guy who discovered electricity not foresee the advent of artificial illumination?
Artificial illumination already existed at Franklin's time, we called it fire. People could light candles and shit without a crazy buffoon who got his brain fried by playing with lightning insisting we needed to disrupt our sleep cycles twice a year.
Daylight Saving Time has no purpose, regardless of which age you put it in. We've come up with silly stories of why we've kept it so long, but I think the real reason we haven't done away with it is because we'd have to admit the whole idea was dirt stupid in the first place.
Of course you’re right about fire, which I don’t think of as being artificial but instead organic; however, candles, lanterns, torches and campfires illuminate very small areas and require attention to nurture and control. Flipping a switch can illuminate a city, allowing lots and lots of people to go to and from work.
I like Ben best on the C-note. He did a lot of fucking when he was in France, so God knows what kind of cooties he had damaging his brain.
I see a lot of people here who are admitting what a fucking stupid idea Daylight Saving Time is. Sadly, none of us is in Congress.
The point was that society didn't need a sun to illuminate a city, they had street lanterns. When DST was created, it was an incredibly stupid idea and it remains a stupid idea today, congress will never admit they tolerated this gross amount of stupidity for so long, and instead will keep trying to convince everyone what a great idea it is.
Standard time is the worst thing about winter. It’s scientifically proven to cause more health problems, car accidents, and other issues in the populace. We could all be smart like Arizona and just abolish standard time.
The Canadian Yukon abolished standard time as well. Currently they aren't getting a sunrise until like 10 am where my partner works, but they don't have to change their clocks.
Nope. Right now they are in sync with Alberta. It's nice for us as a couple.
Alberta just had a referendum to stay on DST, but it didn't pass. I would have preferred that as on DST the sun already rises by 5 am in June and July. I don't need the sun to rise at 4 am.
As it is on standard time the sun is down by 4 pm here in December. Oh well. I am just one opinion.
Um, Arizona didn't abolish standard time - they don't recognize daylight saving time and remain on standard time year-round, with the exception of the Navajo Nation.
Permanent DST is a bad idea. During the winter months sunrise would not occur until around 9:00am. Then people would be complaining about the mornings being "too dark." You would have kids walking to school in darkness, which would be dangerous.
Then maybe we shouldn’t have kids waking up at 6:30am just to go to school. Kids used to wake up later than that. I’d rather have some daylight left when I get home than have it be pitch black at 4:30pm.