Why did you join MovieChat?
I'm writing an article for my website and will include a link to this post.
I'm writing an article for my website and will include a link to this post.
I use this site to find movies to watch.
shareI thought I was signing up for Tinder.
shareThe Devil made me do it.
shareI was promised free beer.
shareI joined MovieChat like everyone else because we missed / wanted a forum where we could talk about movies that looked exactly like the IMDB message board that most of us had be on for maybe over 10 years.
In your article please add how disappointed we all were that the reason the IMDB message boards ending was because the site had no interest in monitoring the boards that were really getting out of hand with the racist and a lot of times personal attacks. The L&O:SVU board was scary.
There were a few that popped up that tried to take IMDB's place but couldn't. The only one I can remember is previously.tv which will redirect you primetimer and the site looks as dull as I remember it.
It was said that Twitter would be a better alternative. Who the hell can keep track of who is talking to who on twitter.
I do like the Movie Chat , I have the same user name from IMDB, but the boards can be lonely and quiet.
I remember the days that I would watch TV shows with my laptop, because we were live chatting about a show.
And although I've matured and can't sit through reality shows anymore, I will tell you the most fun I had on the boards was on the L&HH: (whatever city message boards)
Hope your article goes well.
Just a masochist, I guess.