Do you have a Facebook?
I don't. I'm a "man of mystery ". 😎
shareI used to when I lived overseas because it was an easy way of staying in touch with friends and family back home. I was happy to delete it when I returned though. I found it toxic in many ways.
shareI do. I have over 4500 friends.
shareI have one, but I don't post anything about myself. On the other hand, I have family members who who love to post about themselves and seeing how silly they are provides me with a great source of entertainment.
shareNever had a page and never will. What users fail to realize is Facebook is a data collection entity masquerading as a social networking site. They track every keystroke so they can create a demographic profile of users and lists of their interests. This is done so they can bombard members with specifically-tailored pop-up ads and spam e-mails. It's all about money.
I refuse to have anything to do with Facebook, Twitter and their ilk. These are some of the biggest time-wasters and invaders of privacy ever conceived. What I do with my private life, what I purchase and when I purchase it is nobody's business. Wastebook can butt out.
Social media is contributing to the polarization of our society. You are witnessing the beginning of the downfall of civilization.
yes, though i don't use it very much. but it is a nice, useful way of keeping in touch with the few people in my life that i like keeping in touch with.
i'm more of a twitter fan. there are a lot of bad things said about twitter, and a lot of them are true in my experience - it's a site that seems to be fine-tuned to provoke perpetual outrage & hostility - but i've had lots of great experiences on it. I've had interactions with people i really respect and admire, some genuinely good discussions where i've learned a lot and maybe taught a few other people a few things. i've had a chance to ask real, serious minded people questions and get sincere answers, i've been given film recommendations by whit stilman, i've been quote-tweeted by charles murray & i've been made fun of by dean wareham because i like the feelies 3rd album more than their debut. all great stuff.
in general, as long as you curate your experience carefully and attempt not to get provoked into silly arguments (not always easy) i think twitter is a great resource & i'm glad to have it.