Have you been back to the movies since Covid?
I finally went back on Monday to see The Conjuring 3 and while it was nice just being back, it definitely felt different.
I had read that theaters were doing unique things to bring patrons back, but the ticket was still the same cost as before and a small drink was still $6.00
Also while I knew ahead of time that this movie was available on HBO Max, I think for the theaters to survive moving forward, some movies will need to be released in theaters only.
I just wanted to go back and see if it was still as fun as before, but I couldn't help but think at least a few times that for the same price as a ticket and drink, I could have subscribed to HBO Max for a month.
I really want movie theaters to have a future, but I also know I am nostalgic for them. I still find some value in seeing certain movies in a theater setting, but with streaming instantly available for nearly everything, the theaters will have to try something different.