Things That Annoy You
Unless you are a saint, there will probably be things in life that irritate you. What are some of those things?
Some of mine include:
1. People that lick yoghurt pot lids in public. It's quite sickening when you see their tongue coated in the yoghurt.
2. People that tailgate and speed up behind you when you are approaching a red light or a junction where you have to naturally lower your speed. Why are these people in such a hurry to
apply their brakes?
3. People that walk slow or don't move out of the way so that you can pass them.
4. People that use traffic light crossings when there is no approaching traffic from the left or right. They have ample time to cross the road without activating the traffic light pedestrian if they were only to glance to their left and right to see this. Instead, they automatically press the button, wait for the walk sign to appear and in doing so bring traffic to a halt.