MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you ever taken illegal drugs?

Have you ever taken illegal drugs?

And if so, which ones and did you enjoy the experience(s)?

I have taken mdma, cocaine, lsd, mushrooms, ketamine, and methamphetamine and the ones I enjoyed were mdma, cocaine, ketamine, and mushrooms.

If you have any good drug experience stories to share please do!




In the 80s and 90s, yes. Weed, LSD, coke, speed, and mushrooms. Now I only occasionally smoke pot. Gentle and now legal.

Speed eliminates boredom and really motivates you in any direction you want. But it is the nemesis. Seen too many friends' lives ruined by speed. Had some fun times on it (playing Magic the Gathering all night while chain smoking being a shining memory) but I would warn anyone away from the shit.

I always found coke to be tame. Liked "coco-puffs" which was sprinkling it on a bowl of weed. Overall a lame drug IMO. My first attempt to do coke was when we searched for some for sale in the parking lot of Irvine Meadows before Iron Maiden on their 7th Son of the 7th Son tour. Some dude sold us a bag of worthless white powder.

Mushrooms were very much like LSD but would always make me sick to my stomach. That doesn't combine well with the high.

Weed has always been great. So much better than brew. No hangover. Super chill. Creativity kindling and experience enhancer.

LSD is great. First 4 or 5 trips were the best. A lesser experience thereafter. Still, very enlightening. I have seen people's lives improves after LSD. Wouldn't recommend regular use but would totally recommend it once or twice.

Went to the Griffith Park Observatory on acid to watch the Pink Floyd Laserium show. Left the show and the grass was warping in ocean-like waves. We all saw the same thing. We rushed to my car and discovered that one of my headlights was out. I used a screwdriver to aim my one good light a little inward to provide some even street coverage for the winding dark road down the hill. Then drove the 2 hours home on the 10 freeway while trippin balls. Though late at night, there was bumper to bumper traffic. Turns out that an actual Pink Floyd concert had just ended there in Los Angeles and we were surrounded by the exiting attendees (many of whom I assume were also frying). Arrived home and amused each other with make-shift puppet shows until dawn.


Just pot once, I didn't like the feeling. My dad died of a cocaine/heart problem overdose so I probably wouldn't go there.
