MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anyone you're a fan of artistically but ...

Anyone you're a fan of artistically but hate personally?

Or can you not separate the two?


i've said this before - tom cruise

very good actor, but the guy exploits slave labor, including child slave labor, in the scientology cult, where he is revered as a demi-god

this goes way beyond politics.


John Lennon, total dick, love the music.


Have you seen the bio pic Lennon Naked? It portrayed him as a mean bastard to basically everyone except Yoko (they left out their 2 year breakup).

It’s entertaining at times however.


> It portrayed [John Lennon] as a mean bastard to basically everyone except Yoko

I'm not surprised. Being married to Yoko would turn any man into a mean bastard.


good one


chuck berry was a terrible person.


I can almost always separate the two. I don't know, nor do I care, what my physician's politics are. I've never asked and he's never commented. I pay him for medical services, that's our relationship. Same with my lawyer, my plumber, et cetera. With entertainers, I'm paying them (indirectly) for entertainment. If I factored in their personal lives I'd have to quit watching television and movies altogether -- so many of them are damned weirdos!
