
How do you know if you have it? All I know is the medication they prescribe for it is awesome.



Untreated ADHD can cause many mental and physical problems that can strain relationships and affect the productivity of the affected individual.

Lack of focus
Poor time management skills
Fits of rage
Lack of motivation
Restlessness and anxiety
Poor self-image
Relationship issues


ADHD has been linked to:

Poor school or work performance
Trouble with the law
Alcohol or other substance abuse
Frequent car accidents or other accidents
Unstable relationships
Poor physical and mental health
Poor self-image
Suicide attempts

Reviewed by a panel of doctors. Source: Focus Medica.


Lack of focus
Poor time management skills
Fits of rage
Lack of motivation
Restlessness and anxiety
Poor self-image
Relationship issues

So, basically Mondays.


It's a bit more like trying to talk to someone who is standing on roller skates for the first time, and they keep falling forwards, and backwards, and side to side.

This is what it means by the "LACK of FOCUS."

The person you try to talk to doesn't have enough of one to stay put on the TOPIC at hand and tends to wander around all over the place each time that you try to discuss something with them.

That's also why it's called an ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER.

The last POTUS is also a good example of someone who had NO FOCUS and use to talk about anything and everything but whatever the question was that he was asked .





Here's a good example for you of what it's like trying to talk to someone who has NO FOCUS or makes you feel like they're on roller skates for the first time and keep falling all over the place:

it was very interesting, I was watching the firemen, and they’re raking brush — you know the tumbleweed and brush, and all this stuff that’s growing underneath. It’s on fire, and they’re raking it, working so hard, and they’re raking all this stuff. If that was raked in the beginning, there’d be nothing to catch on fire. It’s very interesting to see. A lot of the trees, they took tremendous burn at the bottom, but they didn’t catch on fire. The bottom is all burned but they didn’t catch on fire because they sucked the water, they’re wet. You need forest management, and they don’t have it.

RUCKER: So who should be held responsible? You mentioned the Fed, but when Harry Truman sat here he had that sign that said the buck stops here —

TRUMP: Oh, I’m not blaming anybody.

RUCKER: — But Mr. President, it doesn’t seem to stop with you.

TRUMP: I’m not blaming — look, I took recommendations. I’m not blaming anybody. But I will tell you, at this moment in time I am not at all happy with the Fed. I am not at all happy with my choice. I think we have to let it go. You know, if you look at — China is being accommodative. The euro and Europe is being accommodative. We’re not getting any accommodation, and we’re also paying $50 billion, we’re paying down our liquidity, is — you can make the case it’s a positive thing in one way, but another thing, it snaps your liquidity. So I’m doing deals, and I’m not being accommodated by the Fed. I’m not happy with the Fed. They’re making a mistake because I have a gut, and my gut tells me more sometimes than anybody else’s brain can ever tell me.

As you can see instead of the BUCK STOPPING with him, he brings up CHINA, and EUROPE, "HIS GUT", and anything else that POPS out of his mouth because he also hasn't PAID any ATTENTION to the question that he's been asked.



So, basically like turning a discussion about ADHD into a political rant.


The quote about the FOREST wasn't a political rant. But when the reporter who interviews him tries to point out how the BUCK STOPS with him, then it becomes a conversation about China, and EUROPE, and HIS GUT, because he's NOT PAYING ATTENTION or staying FOCUSED at all upon the questions he's being asked.

Thus the reason why it's like trying to talk to someone who's on roller skates for the FIRST TIME and is falling all over the place.

In other words, it's also a lot WORSE than dealing with "MONDAY MORNINGS" because this goes on ALL of the TIME -- 24/7 days a week. And for all of the rest of the year too. And for year after year after that as well.









That sounds more like typical politician stuff than ADHD. They try to distract everyone from the original question because they don't know how to get out of the question. Almost every politcian does this.


Try to remember that he was NOT a POLITICIAN when he took office, because he NEVER ran for any other political office before that.

This article should also clear up any doubt that you may have about his having an ATTENTION DISORDER.

The Donald seems to be your textbook case of ADHD. It is manifesting on the grandest stage in the world before our very eyes. Let’s face it, many of us particularly here on the west coast are not fans of The Donald. He goes against our beliefs and most of what he says just sounds well…insane.

ADHD has been hailed by experts as a “beauty and a beast”, a “blessing and a curse”, a “gift and a disorder” and a “superpower and a kryptonite.”

Hyperactivity / Tendency to Fidget / Prone to boredom

Jane Mayer in “Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All” writes “He looked fidgety, Schwartz recalls, “like a kindergartner who can’t sit still in a classroom.” Even when Schwartz pressed him, Trump seemed to remember almost nothing of his youth, and made it clear that he was bored. Far more quickly than Schwartz had expected, Trump ended the meeting.”

Here's another link that contains part of another GOOFY INTERVIEW with TRUMP and Hannity that someone SUMS UP for us:

>>Hannity has a simple question:

what should be the highest tax rate? 23 percent? 28 percent? 35 percent?

Trump just bulldozes by and starts free associating about the deficit and the middle class and simplified returns and hedge fund guys and—something else. I’m not sure who the “They pay peanuts” comment is aimed at. Hedge fund managers? By the time he’s done flitting around, even Hannity, one of our nation’s foremost blowhards, just gives up and moves on to something else.

I’m not just cherry picking, either. The entire interview is like this. The conversation about Iran is, if anything, even more surreal.


It's hard to diagnos unless you sit down with him and talk to him. Anything that involves a mental illness or something to that regard, can't be proven by just looking at mannerisms.


Plenty of people have already SAT DOWN to TALK with him and have encountered the SAME kind of ISSUES with him where it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to get him to STAY FOCUSED upon the questions that they ask him.

So it's also a "MAJOR COGNITIVE DEFECT" that they're dealing with and not just his "mannerisms" that are a problem.

And Here's still another link where a PROFESSIONAL SHRINK also confirms that he has ADHD:

Does Trump Have ADHD? My Professional Opinion

From the lens of ADHD, one can imagine Trump answering back, “What do you mean, stay on message? There are hundreds of messages — and I’m addressing them all!” To the ADHD mind, that is not a contradictory statement. That is how information is processed.

Tony Schwartz, who ghost wrote The Art of the Deal, is not surprised by Trump’s apparent lack of cohesion or ability to stay on message.

Schwartz quickly found that Trump had an “exceptionally short” attention span and simply “could not concentrate on the interviews.”

The "SHORT ATTENTION SPAN" is the KEY here (which also indicates his having an "ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER)."

As you may also recall, others who tried to give him DAILY BRIEFINGS regarding our NATIONAL SECURITY were also UNABLE to do so due to his INABILITY to STAY FOCUSED and PAY ATTENTION to what they said.

And even after they'd use PICTURES (sort of like using FLASH CARDS for KIDS) as a way to try to educate him, that also didn't work either, and those DAILY BRIEFS were discarded and done away with by him (thus also putting all of us at risk of another disaster like 911 taking place again).

This article also concludes with this MENTAL HEALTH EXPERT (who gives his PROFESSIONAL OPINION) recommending that Trump hire some kind of an EXPERT in ADHD matters to help coach him with his ADHD related issues.

But that also NEVER HAPPENED either, because Trump was also convinced that he had "The BEST and the GREATEST BRAIN" that ever existed before in HISTORY."

As you may also recall, EVERYTHING that he ever did he also considered to be "the BEST and GREATEST" thing that was ever done before.

But when you can't CONCENTRATE long enough to know anything about HISTORY, then of course you're also going to reach that kind of very mistaken conclusion about yourself.



If you're a Republican ... you got a bad case. heh,heh,heh!


Yes each time one of the GOP is INTERVIEWED they definitely also give the IMPRESSION that they might also have ADHD -- due to the way that they also try to DIVERT the QUESTIONS that they're asked away from the TOPIC at hand --by ASKING you other questions (about where's the missing emails from 5 YEARS ago for example) -- instead of ANSWERING the other questions that they've been asked.

But you can also still tell that some of them are trying to CHANGE the SUBJECT and are doing that ON PURPOSE, and that they also still have the kind of COGNITIVE ABILITY that the ADHD infected DONALD doesn't have.



the medication being Ritalin/Medikinet/Adderall? oh yeah those are fun. :DD


Yeah, dexies.


Except those dexies also make you very SLEEPY and SPACED OUT if you have ADHD.

So if you've got a good buzz going from taking them and are feeling frisky maybe you don't have it???

My sister stopped giving them to my nephew when he use to come home stoned and looking more like he'd taken some downers.


Pretty sure they still get you fried if you have ADHD. It's not like I'm taking the prescribed amount.


Maybe, because my nephew was still also a kid at the time when he took the RITALIN.

So maybe it also effects adults differently???


I have ADHD.

How do you know you have it? You know. If you have doubts, surely you don't have it.

It you have it, it's something you have to cope with it every day. You don't guess, you know. You could talk at length about it even though you never heard about it. The day you hear about it, it's just a "ah, so this is the name".


I don't know if I have it or not, but I sure like taking the pills for it.


Do you feel like you're able to CONCENTRATE better when you take them?

Do your thoughts feel more FOCUSED than they did before taking the meds?

Because the pills that you take will usually make others who don't have it feel and act UNFOCUSED or like they have ADHD.

Weird huh???

A pill that turns ADHD's into normal people and turns so called normal people into ADHD types.


