MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I hate that you can't just talk about St...

I hate that you can't just talk about Star Wars anymore

A lot of my internet life revolves around discussion of TV and movies. A huge part of that USED TO be talking about Star Wars. I loved discussing the franchise. But something happened in recent years. Discussions went away. Yelling and trolling took over. Even during the prequel era, people might have hated or "been divided" over those movies, but you could still discuss the universe. But Lucas loyalists who hate the new movies just ruin everything now. You try to discuss one of the movies and they just come flying into the room with some "diSnEy StAr WaRs derp derp" crap. Conversation is killed immediately. Even when it's something they approve of, like The Mandalorian, they sidetrack it. "FaVrEaU and FiLoNi SaVeD tHe FRanChise!" I don't want to talk about "the franchise", I want to talk about whatever in-movie question or issue I brought up. It's impossible to just talk about the series anymore.


Go join a riot...embrace the rage.


Star Wars is overrated anyway. It was breathtaking and groundbreaking in the 70s. Today it's just another space pew pew movie.


Star Wars from 1977 holds up. Watched it earlier this year, it works great as a standalone film.


It holds up because you know it's from 1977. Your brain automatically compensated for it. Like I said, it was breathtaking and groundbreaking at the time.

Show Star Wars today to an unsuspecting kid without telling him it was made in 1977. I bet he won't be as impressed as you.


Star Wars is overrated anyway

And confirmational bias skews your opinion


Have you visited the forums at I've read some worthwhile SW discussions there.


I think so. There are two bigger SW message boards out there. I think I've posted on both. I had some ok conversations, but they take the opposite approach. They walk a very fine line of "no criticism allowed", which is just silly and immature. You should be allowed to discuss something whether you like or dislike it without some idiot sidetracking the convo or some nanny telling you "no criticism allowed".




The new movies suck.


The old movies also suck.


Didn't you mother teach you not to lie???


Jar Jar Binks and Ewoks.


Jar Jar absolutely sucks, as does the rest of that trilogy.

The Ewoks are dumb, but are definitely not as bad.


Not as bad just because it's in the 70s early 80s. If it was now Ewoks would be compared to Minions lol.

The whole Star Wars franchise is overrated af.


Not as bad because they do not consist of bad cgi or talk like morons.

As a whole the franchise is extremely overrated, but there's no franchise in the history of the world that deserves that much reverence. As for the OT, perhaps, but they're still extremely entertaining films.


Aren't you a big Batman movie apologist? Kinda surprised you have such a stark opinion of Star Wars.


Only the Burton's Batmans. Because first, those movies are not overrated. Second, nobody took Burton's Batman movies oh so seriously like what people look at Star Wars.

I love Batman movies, but unlike what people believe Star Wars are, they are not the hyper mega perfect masterpieces human ever concieved. They're just silly movies.

The same with Star Wars movies. Star Wars are just silly movies FOR KIDS! Basically pew pew in SPAAAAAAACE...


So why don't you like them?


Oh, I like them. When I was a kid.

Just like how my son LOVES Minions now.

But if he still loves Minions in his 30s like Star Wars nerds love Star Wars, I'll kick him in the butts!

Ewoks are basically Minions. If you don't agree you're a Star Wars nerd.


You elevate the Burton Batman movies above Minions? ... and Star Wars??


What do you mean?


I'm implying that Burton's Batman movies are worse than Minions.
Just trying to expand the Star Wars slap-fight.


The old movies: the prequels have quite some flaws (ah, those romantic scenes...) and many people don't like them at all, which is OK. But the original trilogy is a masterpiece, period.


If you defend anything Disney has done with Star Wars other than the Mandalorian you are part of the problem.


"If you defend anything Disney has done with Star Wars other than the Mandalorian you are part of the problem."

The irony is strong with this one.


I think Disneys eps789 were better than eps123
also Rogue one is good , quite a popular opinion
Solo thing was ok.

I guess i'm the problem
or , i'm just lucky that im not that discerning, and able to enjoy a movie


Overall, the sequels have a better score than the prequels. But Lucas loyalists are hell-bent on rewriting this fact.


What has happened to Star Wars is tragic to me. I finally had to shut it all out and only focus on the original 3 movies. I still have my unaltered VHS tapes and watch those. I used to read the books while in high school but even then I was tired of the nonsense sci fi stuff. Hated Mara Jade. So instead of fighting, I just enjoy what use to be a great series and pick and choose my discussions carefully. I appreciate that people like the prequels and like the sequels but I, personally, do not believe in chosen ones, elected queens and whatever the hell they did to The Force and Luke Skywalker in the sequels.


I despise the prequels, but in the old IMDB days, you could still despise something and keep the conversations on-topic.I could and did post on prequel boards and discuss the movies without derailing the conversation. I criticized, and one should be allowed to, but that was a separate conversation. I hate when someone asks a question where they want to talk about something or someone in the movie and some idiot responds with a writing, directing, or production related question.


Yea; I miss the old boards. I spend a lot of time there. I started posting here because I missed the debates but you're right, there are some toxic people here and I get caught up in it too. I mis-read a user's comment and made a snarky comment back, which isn't like me and I apologized after realizing the mistake. Now, I just want to have a discussion. I follow all the 9 Star Wars boards and enjoy talking about either in story topics or production but they should be kept separate as the topic dictates.


" talking about either in story topics or production but they should be kept separate as the topic dictates."

That's all my point is. If someone posts something like, "Why would Anakin do ___?" or "Did Palpatine___?" no answer should be about production value.


“I despise the prequels”

I & II were huge disappointments (although with tighter editing, I think there’s a good film in there somewhere). I actually think that III is pretty good and feel it gets unfairly tarred with the same brush as the first two.


Star Wars, The Matrix, Avatar,.... all similar, all seem innovative until you see where they burrowed, how shamelessly they copied and how simple they are actually structured.
It's like buying a Dacia and getting a bunch of parts by Renault and Nissan.




They're like cocktails for kids. Some ideas from here, some others from there, add a lot of sweetener and omit the real stuff.


The Matrix isn't "for kids", ya dingus.


You didn't get the point. It's a mashup like a kids cocktail. Stories you've already read and seen before (minus the heavier drama), characters directly cut out from classic novels, all covered in nice visual effects (if you didn't get the sweetener metaphor).
It's lighthearted cinema not be analyzed to the smallest detail.


Oh, now we're comparing classic novels to kids stuff; some of which isn't actually kid stuff? And of the three movies you mentioned, The Matrix is the least lighthearted and one intended to be analyzed and discussed THE MOST, LOL. You are really bad at this.


None of it is kids stuff. You still don't get it.

But to stay at the example, The Matrix is the lollipop version of "World on a Wire", mixed up with religious tropes. WoaW is dry stuff, digging into the implications of the premise instead of searching for action sequences - but that's what I meant. Take the premise, take parts of the story but shy away from philosophical and ethical questions as much as possible, not to drag the pacing - and you get this type of movies. Character development? Nah, hero's journey fits them all. Does the added idea about humans as energy sources make any sense (besides being plot-kenstein's glue)? Don't care.
They are visually pleasing and entertaining like riding a roller coaster. It's not intended to analyze every inch of the ride.
