
Do you consider yourself a moral person?

In my case, by my own standards I consider myself moral, but to others I may be delusional.
I believe inaction is preferable to action if the only possible choices of action will harm anyone else. Unless I am personally invested in a situation.
If someone or something brings about a positive emotion I'll regard it as useful.

Take the hypothetical trolley problem where you can pull a lever to kill one person instead of five. I'd just not do anything and let the trolley follow its course, killing five.
I don't value that one person more than the five, but none of these hypothetical people are significant to me.

Now, if I knew all of the people, and the five were people I liked but the one was someone that I disliked... I'd redirect the trolley with little hesitation.

For a long time, I thought I was a socialist politically, but that's only because I'm lazy and unemployed. I benefit from assistance of others but offer nothing of value to the world.
If I have to make a choice, I lean left. I believe centrism is silly and I don't find most right wing policies and values particularly pleasant.
I'm anti authoritarian, and libertarianism appeals to me in a lot of ways.
I don't like hierarchies. I have little desire for power, influence or respect from others.

This is purely speculation on my part, but I imagine that if I were to become wealthy by some chance, I'd hoard it all, but upon my death leave it to charities. Or if I have anyone in my life at that point, I'd leave most of it to them.

For the last twenty years, I've thought of myself as an artist, but in all that time I haven't created anything substantial.
Partially due to laziness, and partially because I don't enjoy collaborating with others. I also don't do anything that holds no personal significance.

I've looked into various schools of philosophy and I don't agree fully with any of them.
When I was a teenager I read some Ayn Rand and a lot her ideas appealed to me at the time.

Ultimately, I feel that I shouldn't have any obligations or allegiance to anyone but myself and possibly loved ones. At the moment, I don't have any meaningful relationships in my life.


Yes, I do.


I'm a moral person...Sorry, I'm just learning English. I meant to say moray eel.


Yes, I consider myself to be moral, but I am human and occasionally do and say things I regret.


That seems reasonable. I have a lot of regrets, but not many are recent.


Here's my philosphy - I works for me at this point in my life.

I think a lot of people just overthink and label everyone, including themselves, way too much. Instead of people pontificating about whether they are left or right, man or woman, rich or poor, creative or analytical, moral or immoral, racist or tolerant, people should just try to be true.

Everyone screws up, everyone shits, everyone sins, everyone makes fun of everyone. In the end nobody is better than anyone else because we ALL will just flicker out at some point. Those that spend their lifetime defining themselves and the world around them are probably missing the moments that encapsulate life.

I simply try to be someone who is true to their convictions, contribute in a way that helps my family and soul, and be what I consider a good person in my own little world.


You make some great points, but being true to myself is being analytical.
