I understand impoverished inner city kids getting into it, but how do these kids with everything handed to them get into drugs like that? Even the pill poppers make no sense, although half of the time now that is opiates so essentially the same thing as heroin but what gets them into that? I’ve never had any desire to explore beyond weed, alcohol and occasionally mushrooms.
They are bored, they need the thrill; everyone no matter their status can yearn for something different.
Even those with wealth can be suffering and locked in their gilded cage.
They have wealth, ‘have everything handed to them’ so what’s left?
Risk taking, new and dangerous rushes, illicit activities etc. and they have the money and status to make it happen.
It’s harking back to the days of the opium dens for bored sons, the daughters drinking laudanum etc to experience more (or less) in their lives that they’re fed up in - lives that the lower classes, would want.
Once they are hooked that is it.