MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Cheesiest movie cliche?

Cheesiest movie cliche?

I'll start.

Being hung up on, hearing the long tone that tells you that they've hung up, yet the actor says "hello?" as if it could be a mistake that they're hearing that tone and the other person is still on the call.


The police detective gets a phone call: "That was the hospital. He died ten minutes ago."

Why is it seemingly always 10 minutes??


Firing a gun at Superman and after all the bullets bounce off his chest you throw the gun at him. Yeah, that'll stop him.


'10 years ago a horrible series of gruesome murders happened on this camp ground, let's go skinny dipping'


The villain demise is by his own creation / weapon. Like if the villain created a virus, he will end up injected in the neck. Or if the villain created a laser weapon, he will end up obliterated by said laser weapon, etc.


Tiny women beating up 6 guys who are three times their size.


Preferably while wearing tight black leather pants and spiky sexy boots...not that any of us watch such drivel of course...




One that makes me laugh is typical in spy/ crime movies with an international setting.

At the beginning and throughout the movie the camera is panning over some famous landmark such as the Eiffel Tower, or Big Ben and, on screen, in one corner words spell out the location: Paris, France. London, England.

Jeeze, who DOESN'T know where these famous cities and landmarks are located?

The second part of this cliche is often when the words appear, they are accompanied by the noise effects of an old school dot matrix printer, or similar.


Another one happens often in buddy cop movies. One of them gets a lead and is heading out the door when his partner asks: "Where are you going?"

Instead of simply telling the second guy what he's learned and where he is going, the guy leaving just says: "I'm following up on something. You stay here." Second guy expresses no curiosity, asks no further questions... he might frown slightly, but otherwise shrugs and turns away.

Later the first guy ends up dead or badly beaten, and the surviving partner is left to guess what happened. All of it could have been avoided if the first guy had just ANSWERED THE DAMN QUESTION!

This used to particularly happen all the time in The X-Files when Mulder would dash off with no explanation leaving Scully in the dark and needlessly complicating the investigation.
