MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Movies you felt went for too long/had sc...

Movies you felt went for too long/had scenes that were too long?

Face/Off comes to mind for me, I liked the film but towards the end it was just getting dull. The chase scene on the speedboats as well was a little too long for me.

Batman vs Superman I recall the fight scene towards the end just dragging.

All the Transformers films. Just too long.


I love Pulp Fiction, but the Bruce Willis segment could've been trimmed somewhat.


The Horse Whisperer, unnecessarily long.


Good Morning Vietnam (1987), most of it is just Williams ad libbing and well before the end it becomes quite dull. Not much of a story line or any character development either.

Keeping The Faith (2000), although I still like this film I feel 2 hours is too much, it starts to drag in the last 30 mins and I think it could have been done better as a 90 min film.


Gettysburg (1993) was a little too long...but there were no DVDs back then.


The Outlaw Josey Wales (76) at 2hrs and 15 minutes seemed longer...


The Batman. It should have been 2 films.


King Kong 2005. Clocking at almost 3 & a half hours.

Love that film but it should be like an hour shorter imo.

Love the Skull Island stuff. The bugs, creatures & dinosaurs were awesome & I didn't even mind the New York stuff

But you could cut the ship stuff imo. It takes them like an hour just to get to Skull Island.


It depends what context.
