MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Should prostitution be legal in all 50 U...

Should prostitution be legal in all 50 US states?

I think it's really silly that except in certain counties of Nevada, prostitution is illegal.

Who is it hurting?

I think it's pretty much a victimless crime that should be regulated and taxed.

Prostitutes should be mandated to get licenses from their sate if they want to do it, and their earnings should be legitimately counted and taxed like all other occupation wages.

What do you think? Should it be legal in all 50 states? Could you support it being legal in all 50 states?

Would you encourage it to become legal in all 50 states?


The issue is that it goes with drugs, crime, and disease. But other than that. I mean even in Amsterdam where it's legit it had those issues.


From a legal, constitutional point of view, this is one of those things I think should be left to the states.

Personally, I think it might be best for society and the prostitutes to legalize it.




If there's one thing you want to buy factor-fresh and keep as your own...


It's legal here in Australia under strict regulations. Streetwalking is still illegal. But brothels and escorts exist. It happens anyway so legalizing helps with disease control and of course it can be taxed as well and saves the cops wasting time with busting the hookers and clients and stops abusive pimps.

That said we still have illegal brothels that are often raided as well.


Like I said, legalization doesn't stamp out abuses, or the sort of illegal activities are more profitable than the legal ones.

So while I guess I'm for legalization AND taxation of legal sex work, most of the proponents of legalization are extremely unrealistic about the social benefits of legalization. As long as a brothel staffed by terrified trafficked kids who aren't paid makes more profit than a legal ones where the workers have rights, the trafficking etc. will go on, and law enforcement will still need to be involved.


The benefits outweigh the negatives and without legalization ALL prostitution is illegal anyway. As well as unmonitored and unregulated and untaxed.


It should be legal in any state where the people vote for it to be legal. Let the people decide for themselves.



Not at the same time. In order to drive the tourist trade, there should only be a certain number of states where it is legal, decided by either lottey or payoffs (or most likely one disguised as the other). They can, of course, be rotating in order to drive up the frequency of the payoffs, erm, um, lotteries.


Of course it should be legal. Retail is legal.


No. It's got nothing to do with religion and everything to do with a stable relationship. Get in a fight with the wife in a state where it is legal and the guy has less reason to work it out versus seeking out a hooker. You can say "Well, that just won't happen in a relationship" but guys seek out alternatives without seeing a hooker. A hooker would be one more straw on the camel's back that may break a household. A household that may have kids in it as well. Kids have enough stress without another issue between the parents. Honestly, pay for sex is not that hard to find in states where prostitution is illegal. Just google an escort service. The risk is about the same in terms of STD's as legalized brothels if the women are of age and legal citizens. No controlling johns in terms of you might be the next guy after the guy with a STD the test from yesterday on the girl be darned. Frankly, it is not hard at all to find it for free if you groom yourself and don't look like an ogre.
