What does dog food taste like?
I'm curious.
shareTry some? 👩🏻🍳
shareIt tastes like peanut, but not salty at all. Like as if you can reduce the salt content of peanuts to zero. You got all the umami, a little bit sweetness of peanuts, but no salt at all. There, you got dog food's taste.
It tastes really weird because human food is almost always salty, even a little bit.
Me and my little Sis only tried the doggie biscuits, the 'meat' cans were too gross smelling to try even on a dare
The biscuits taste like sawdust smells
This was a 'Dad thing' for me... my sons were about 8, maybe 9. They had their friends over and I challenged them all to eat dog biscuits with me. They were all game... they are pretty dry and tasteless tbh. I later challenged my nephew as well and he was all up for it.
I also challenged them all to eat dried crickets with me and they chowed down on those as well. They tasted pretty good, but that had more to do with the cheese dust on them.
That's what I loved about my sons... they were always up for most things as long as their Dad was willing to do it with them.
Too bad Paul Newman isn't alive as you could ask him
shareIt tastes like Kranmar's Delicious Mystery Appetizer
Exactly like it smells. Delicious!
According to Tyrone Biggums, of course.
I tried the Tuna Pedigree Chum, Tastes like Tuna