MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I HATE wearing a mask....

I HATE wearing a mask....

I take exceptionally good care of my skin BUT, the mask is making me break out. I talked to my doctor about it and she said that wearing a mask can interrupt the natural flow of blood to your skin which can cause breakouts and dry skin. She did suggest wearing a cotton mask as opposed to a paper mask because paper masks are bad for the skin. Also, masks will trap in sweat on your face which can also cause breakouts. Makes me so mad. Dumb masks. I wish we didn't have to wear them anymore!!!!!


I don't mind so much; I hardly ever wear one because currently I'm rarely in a situation where one is required.


I've worked in hospitals for almost 15 years now, and wear a mask every single day.

Never had any problems. Never seen, or heard of anyone else having any problems. Doctors, surgeons, nurses, surgical techs, processing techs, vendors.. no problems whatsoever.


How often are you wearing your mask?


Every day but, I switched to wearing cotton masks so, that has gotten better. I honestly think that the paper masks were irritating my skin and maybe I was allergic to something? I make sure my face is clean before wearing them and the cotton masks are more comfortable and softer on my skin.


It doesn't bother me. How hard is it to wear a mask? It shows one's character.


then wear one a shutup about it. if ur mask works so good why do care if other people wear it so much?


Be nice boy


I get used to things pretty quickly so at this point I don't even think about the mask anymore. Its second nature.


Those cheap ass masks don't do anything. You have to buy an expensive mask to get any benefit at all. If anyone(even the TV) tells you differently, they are lying.


I feel like I can't breathe.


I can't breath either especially in my state. There are so many fires in California right now which makes the air quality really bad and add a mask to it; it's torture!!!!!!


Me too! I hate wearing a face mask, but we all have to because of the pandemic!


But seriously, though, I don't think a mask will really help us in the end. The only thing we are doing to ourselves in creating more health issues. We are breathing in our own carbon dioxide which is extremely unhealthy for you; that's why people have a hard time breathing and plus not to mention, it's creating really bad skin problems with a lot of people. So many people I know are breaking out and are experiencing itchy, dry and flaky skin. I am healthy as a horse and I am confident I am not going to get anyone sick so what exactly am I protecting against? NOTHING!!!!! This pandemic is blown way out of proportion. Even my doctor agrees that only people at risk (like the elderly or people with diabetes) should be wearing masks and healthy people should not have to wear them...


i just say i have ashma when people bitch to me about not having one. this pandemic is overblown anyways


I agree. This whole thing has been taken way too far...


i am moving out into the county on a farm soon to get away from all this city bullshit
