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The Promise by When in Rome - great song

Brought to my attention by Napoleon Dynamtie, excellent new wave jam and instantly became one of my favorite 80’s songs. It perfectly captures the era.


I absolutely love it.


Oh wow.

You and I agree on something. One of my first boyfriends left this tape in my mailbox.


I have not thought of When In Rome for over 20 years, LOL. Even when watching Napolean it didn't click.
I can hear it now "If you need a friend........."

If you like them you might like Alphaville's album Forever Young or Then Jerico's The Big Area and maybe the First album.
They have a similar sound to When In Rome. Same time period, lesser known bands out of England I believe. Didn't really make it but had a few songs of note, especially Alphaville's Forever Young, I like the more up tempo version.

If you haven't ever listened to them, give those album's a shot.

Have a good day!


Alphaville were actually German (Helpful Andy).


It has a similar feel to OMD - (Forever) Live and Die


Lol I don’t get that at all, aside from both being New Wave. The song I think is similar is “Don’t You Forget About Me” by Simple Minds


A favourite of mine.


never seen napoleon dynamite. the song is good. never heard of the group.


What???? Add it to your list!


i just can't get interested in these teen coming of age movies.


It’s completely different than a typical teen movie, it’s very bizarre and pretty funny


I've always associated that song with my ex-girlfriend (who was both the best girlfriend and best friend I ever had), because the first time I watched Napoleon Dynamite was on the day I broke up with her. She was on my mind the whole time I was watching the movie. So that movie, and the songs in it, always gives me nostalgia for a simpler and happier time in my life.
