MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why did women push the breastfeeding thi...

Why did women push the breastfeeding thing so hard?

Free the nipple has died down, mostly because it has been replaced by other equally unimportant distractions. But what was the deal with that? I just saw a pic a girl posted of her breastfeeding, and it caught me off guard. I’m not “offended” by it, but I don’t really think it’s appropriate or necessary.

What really bugs me about it is the double standard. They are APPALLED by dick pics, and constantly criticize males for shirtless pics. It doesn’t matter that their motive, desexualizing their bodies, is different. It’s all part of the nauseating feminist agenda.

The common talking point was “it’s a natural and beautiful part of the human experience.” First of all, it is not beautiful, breasts themselves might be but not a secreted substance coming out of them. Urinating is a natural function, does anyone want to see that? I don’t think so. I don’t care what any guy says, he doesn’t want to see a woman other than his wife breastfeeding.


Honestly I think it's because nursing a baby is very time consuming and cannot easily be scheduled. Some breastfed babies won't accept a bottle. The result is that a nursing mom, especially of a very young baby, is confined to the home all day every day, if she must only nurse where no other adults can see her. She can't go out for coffee, go shopping, go anywhere. Within the home, if she lives in a household with people other than her husband and her other children (eg if her father-in-law lives in the house), she may be confined to her bedroom, all day every day. For the first few months of life, babies nurse for an hour, every 90 minutes or so, around the clock. That is: feed 60 min, sleep 30 min, feed 60 min, sleep 30 min, over and over, all day and night, for months) It sounds crazy but that's how it is with little babies. Imagine being confined to your bedroom for four or six months as if you were some sort of outcast. Babies generally begin solid food around six months but this is a very gradual process because they don't have good control of their tongues or of swallowing. They won't be mostly tablefed until they are over a year old. So if women had to find a private place to nurse, then a nursing mom would be unable to get basic tasks of life done for a year.


Your answer is way to logical for this idiot.


Your comparison is stupid. Women breastfeeding is what's most healthy for her baby. Man urinating in public is unsanitary. What's real hypocrisy is women bare breasts being okay to see on tv, advertisements that leave nothing to the imagination of women body, ect. yet people are offended about women breastfeeding her child. Its so gross how women are so sexualized breastfeeding makes them uncomfortable.


Cheers and applause, you are so right.


Also, I'm pretty sure he doesn't care about any of this shit, he just wanted a reason to talk about tittaes.


Women breastfeeding is what's most healthy for her baby. Man urinating in public is unsanitary.

100% agreed.

Its so gross how women are so sexualized breastfeeding makes them uncomfortable.

I don't think they're sexualized. It's more what remains of traditional Christian puritanism, that considers that a woman showing a breast is a sin, even if she's feeding her child.


Breastfeeding is so much better that Baby formula in a bottle. Breastfeeding is natural. Women have done it forever.


I'm afraid public nursing is controversial because it all boils down to a woman baring her breast in public while feeding her baby. To be fair, there are many ways to be discreet about this, including having special shirts that have a flap you can put down over the baby's head, or drape a blanket over you and the baby, but you can peek in so the baby can see you. There are even curtained places in some bathrooms that allow that sort of thing. Some moms will even go into a corner and face away from everyone.

But not all moms are smart enough to be discreet, and just wanta whip out the breast for the baby whenever they want, and some don't care if others see them. That might be fine in some cultures, but there are still prudes here in America, and for some of us, it comes off as a sign of having no respect for yourself or others, despite doing what's necessary to feed your very young baby.

Not to mention that people who are the most disturbed usually consist of people who were moms back in the 1950s, when nursing was discouraged; certain men, women who never had any kids [and are never gonna have any because they don't like them], people from even more prudish cultures than America, and possibly people who have a phobia towards that sort of thing. I'm not joking here, there really are phobias relating to that, such as mastrophobia, gynophobia, and papillaphobia. I even know someone who has an irrational fear of seeing pregnant women (don't ask me why they would have that).


who doesnt want to see more milky tits in public? u must be gay if u are against free the nipple movement. titties for the boys!!!


> Urinating is a natural function, does anyone want to see that? I don’t think so.

Well, according to Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's "fixer" Trump does.

Vote Biden; say Bye-Don
