Why did women push the breastfeeding thing so hard?
Free the nipple has died down, mostly because it has been replaced by other equally unimportant distractions. But what was the deal with that? I just saw a pic a girl posted of her breastfeeding, and it caught me off guard. I’m not “offended” by it, but I don’t really think it’s appropriate or necessary.
What really bugs me about it is the double standard. They are APPALLED by dick pics, and constantly criticize males for shirtless pics. It doesn’t matter that their motive, desexualizing their bodies, is different. It’s all part of the nauseating feminist agenda.
The common talking point was “it’s a natural and beautiful part of the human experience.” First of all, it is not beautiful, breasts themselves might be but not a secreted substance coming out of them. Urinating is a natural function, does anyone want to see that? I don’t think so. I don’t care what any guy says, he doesn’t want to see a woman other than his wife breastfeeding.