Free the nipple has died down, mostly because it has been replaced by other equally unimportant distractions. But what was the deal with that? I just saw a pic a girl posted of her breastfeeding, and it caught me off guard. I’m not “offended” by it, but I don’t really think it’s appropriate or necessary.
What really bugs me about it is the double standard. They are APPALLED by dick pics, and constantly criticize males for shirtless pics. It doesn’t matter that their motive, desexualizing their bodies, is different. It’s all part of the nauseating feminist agenda.
The common talking point was “it’s a natural and beautiful part of the human experience.” First of all, it is not beautiful, breasts themselves might be but not a secreted substance coming out of them. Urinating is a natural function, does anyone want to see that? I don’t think so. I don’t care what any guy says, he doesn’t want to see a woman other than his wife breastfeeding.
Dick pics are not the same whatsoever, don't be ridiculous.
That said, I think breastfeeding in public outside of designated areas is totally inappropriate. I don't appreciate shirtless males in public either, especially if I'm eating.
So you have a problem with women breastfeeding in public, but you probably would have a problem with a hungry baby crying in public too.
Breast are not sexual and how much of a breast do you actually see? It's no where near the same as a dick pic. That is a bullshit argument.
The motive for breastfeeding in public.....get ready....IT IS FEEDING THE BABY!!!! Nothing more. I guess you think that all mothers should just stay at home and not leave the house until their children can walk??
Seriously....if you don't want to see a woman breastfeed DON'T LOOK!
I answered this question below but I'll copy it here too and expand on my second point.
When has any breastfeeding woman shoved it in your face???? Seriously???
Perhaps women stopped pushing the issue so much because people stopped complaining about it and telling them that they couldn't feed their babies in public.
Have you ever been told to go and eat in the public washroom? Would you find that a great place for a meal? Or that you should eat with a blanket over your head? I've never seen a woman take off her shirt to feed a baby. It's not like both breast and the nipples are exposed, but people had a problem with it and made women feel horrible about it. Women were asked to go to a private area to feed their babies. That is why women were making noise about it.
Seriously, while it's undeniably true that breastfeeding is natural, and breastfeeding is beautiful, so is modesty. A woman, or a man for that matter, who respects his/her own privacy in intimate matters, is simply being respectable. Tell me what's wrong with that.
Men have made breasts sexual. Men have breasts, are they sexual?? I didn't think so.
Feeding a baby is not intimate. Even without coverage when a baby is latched to the nipple what would one actually see that would be sexual? Nothing. What would be seen that is immodest? Why would anyone even be watching unless they wanted a peek? It's simply being respectful to not watch or stare.
Men never made breasts sexual! Breasts have always been a "Secondary Sexual Characteristic", in all cultures. Their presence indicates a female's reproductive fitness by her ability to feed her baby. They don't serve any other purpose.
Also, women do experience sexual feelings through their breasts. Nipple hardening is a direct result of arousal triggered by touch. Its purpose is to make the nipple more accessible to the infant, but it requires sexual arousal to get it there. Hell, it's even possible for a women to experience orgasm by nipple stimulation!
Men only have breasts because all fetuses have breasts to begin with. When testosterone kicks in, the breasts do not develop.
I'm not arguing against breastfeeding in public per se. I'm just saying that any reasonable self-aware woman would be reluctant to expose herself unnecessarily, by displaying even inadvertently any part of her body that is culturally considered to be an intimate part.
You are barking up the wrong tree with your final statement. I belong to a naturalist community and expose all of myself quite regularly, albeit in places that are safe and everyone is aware of the situation.
On the other hand, nothing is exposed during breast feeding unless someone is watching intently waiting for that moment when the baby lets go.
Well that's just you, SS. The majority of women living in urban situations would probably not be as sanguine about going around naked as you are. I see you added that you only do it because the environment is suited to it. Do I assume that you wouldn't behave the same in a city?
I don't think it really matters how much is exposed during breast feeding. The nipple is only concealed because there's a baby attached to it. But the rest of it is hanging out. Do you really not credit men with such a lack of imagination? And the woman must surely know this. No woman is so obtuse as to think she's not exposing her body to any passing observer, just because she's holding a baby in front of it.
By the way, it's not only men who would get a vicarious pleasure from getting a glimpse of a partially-exposed tit. Lesbians never miss a chance...
No I wouldn't because it's illegal most places in my city. But when I lived in place where it was acceptable by law, I went topless a lot. Not necessarily walking down the street because support is nice to have, but that's for my comfort. Not all women who are into women get all excited when they see a nipple. They can just look down and look at their own.
I don't give a shit what men imagine. I'm sick of that argument. Every girl who is told that she can't wear spaghetti straps in school on a hot day because it is distracting to boys is probably sick of it too.
I imagine that a woman who has a baby attached to her breast doesn't give a shit either. She is feeding her child who needs to be fed at that moment and she has every right to be out and about and not locked up at home or forced to go into a gross public washroom because this puritan society is so uptight about breasts. Not every woman wants to do it, but if they do, they shouldn't have to worry about it. If a kid asks what is happening, you simply explain that the baby is eating. As for anyone watching, well, do you stare at everyone in a food court that is eating? Probably not. It's rude.
I was also going to mention from your previous post that nipples are just one erogenous zone. The neck, the ears, the wrists, the lips, the lower back are all erogenous zones as well. Should they never be exposed?
We could argue about this all day, and you would no doubt present perfectly reasonable practical points to justify the practice. But they would all be skirting the actual issue. Self respect is the issue, not legality, imagination, puritanism, or whatever.
You may be annoyed by the existence of men's natural responses to the opposite sex, but there's nothing you can do to eliminate it, (although some women seem to be desperately trying to, by raising incels alone).
I think the point is this; why do women keep their breasts concealed most of the time?
If an exposed breast is such a neutral thing, unworthy of comment, why don't all women just go about naked from the top, all the time? For that matter, why don't they go totally naked all the time? Why has clothing been an element of privacy and modesty for centuries, in every culture on earth?
Why has the removal of clothing generally been a prelude to sexual intercourse, and in fact sometimes a trigger to it?
Yes, it's unfortunate that women have to go to inconvenient and often unpleasant places to breast feed. But the solution to that is not wilful exposure on the street! The solution is to create dedicated places for it. Surely in any modern society there are means to to do this. No need to throw out the baby with the bathwater and just drop the tit out, because nobody can think of a better way! That's faulty thinking. In any other sphere, women insist on society arranging things to better suit females. And I agree with most of them. But this sudden urgent "need" to fix a problem by capitulating to it is just plain silly. Aren't today's women smarter than that?
Usually you and I can have a decent conversation that has logic on both sides. I have always respected your difference of opinion. Your last reply has me speechless. Not because I think you made valid points, but the opposite.
Huh? Which part was invalid? The bit about clothes being traditionally a modesty thing? The bit about removal of clothes being a sexual thing? The bit about society providing a more convenient place for women to perform their maternal functions while maintaining privacy?
Nothing that I said was meant to render you speechless. Sorry if it did. But I don't take back any of it. Which part of it bothered you, and why?
I can't speak for SS, but your opinions on breastfeeding are pretty sexist and quite baffling.
What makes you think a woman that feeds her baby in public doesn't have respect for herself? Are you suggesting that women shouldn't publicly breastfeed because of the way men feel about tits? This is about a mother feeding her baby. It has nothing to do with men. Men don't need to explain to women how women feel sexually. The law says we aren't allowed to be topless or naked. It's not men's responses to the opposite sex that's annoying. It is you holding women responsible for the way men feel. Look, if you get a hard-on watching a woman feed her baby, then YOU are the one that should go hide in a bathroom. There is nothing more natural than a mama feeding their babe. I don't think men really have a place in this discussion.
Well, you certainly don't have a place in this discussion. I was talking to Sslssg. I don't talk to anyone who uses any form of "ist" in their comments to me.
I think my breasts are sexual.
Did we time warp back to the 1950s? It's fucking breastfeeding, ya know, nature and all that. I don't understand why anyone would take issue with a woman feeding her baby.
Is it still illegal to go topless? Do we still have to hide our dirty pillows from a world that can't handle seeing breastuses?
If I had a dick for a day, I would stand atop a grassy knoll and pee on the people below.
Breast-feeding gives babies better nutrition than formula, it includes micro-nutrients and natural flora that aren't included in formula, and Mother Nature also tailors its nutritional content to the baby's age - that's the basis of the whole lactation movement. Plus it's free, accessible to anyone however poor, and that's also a big consideration for billions. So yes, in general the pro-lactation is a good thing for humanity in general, even if it's pushed by people who can admittedly be annoying. Lots of movements are like that.
As for dicks... they're fine on a nude beach and in saunas and at other appropriate places, and of course they're most welcome to accept private invitations. It's just that nobody wants them popping up on their phone without an invitation, when they're at work or in class or when Mr. Right has just made an appearance.
Yeah, I understand why they don’t want random dick pics and the sound science behind breastfeeding. It’s just like you said, the annoying ones who ruin it.
When has any breastfeeding woman shoved it in your face???? Seriously???
Perhaps women stopped pushing the issue so much because people stopped complaining about it and telling them that they couldn't feed their babies in public.