I'm sure you've heard at least something about the sex abuse of children and nuns in the Catholic church. Pope Francis has been accused of helping to cover them up, during his long career in the church and documentation has been produced to substantiate that accusation. Abuse in Protestant denominations and independent churches is much harder to search out because it involves so many organizations and is interwoven into local cultures but it is common. Until relatively recent times there was a feeling that a man had the right to do with his family as he pleased, including smacking his wife around or even diddling the kids. My uncle was a god fearing man, probably the most honest and hardworking man I ever knew, but when his daughter asked to move back home because she and her daughter were being physically and sexually abused he denied them and argued that it was a god given right for a man to do with his family what he wanted. I was in the next room listening. I hated the man for that until the day he died and never told anyone why. And shockingly even today, some churches support marrying children to grown men, it's legal in some states. How often it happens is hard to say because I'm too lazy to go digging around and verifying data but according to one website it's in the thousands with the youngest being 12 yo. So again, I don't know which religion is the worst and have no idea how to quantify that. And we haven't even touched on Muslims, Mormons, or Jews.