MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Did imdb have a discussion board?

Did imdb have a discussion board?

If it did,I wasn't aware.


Yep. The closing of those boards is why I'm here now.


Hell yeah, I spent so many hours there before they closed it down a couple of years ago. I found this site last year when I read something on Reddit about replacements for IMDB message boards.


From 2014, a screenshot:

Looks like Soapbox would be the closest, I'm guessing, because I never participated on those boards! I only participated on specific boards like Seinfeld, other particular movies/TV shows, individual actors, and so forth.


Huh, so there was no General Discussion board on IMDb. No wonder I don't remember it 😄

I never participated on them either. I joined to participate on the Mad Men board, where I stayed for a long time. Then ventured out to a few others. Some of them were a rude awakening.


Film General


I don't remember there being a Film General, but then I usually didn't venture to the more general boards. There was someone I knew who used to post on the Food board, so I peeked in there, but don't think I ever posted there.


I Need To Know was amazing back in the day. I rediscovered tv shows and movies that I thought I might have made up or confused with something else with just a few sentences. So many people who had seen everything. Sigh

That was really the only board I ever commented on. Never general and rarely in a specific movie or personal page.


I've heard that was a good board, but only after IMDb had blown it all up, so never had the chance to go there, or even know about it.


I was able to find out an obscure 80s tv show that only lasted 6 episodes by vaguely describing a 2 minute scene from the last episode. Those people who roamed that board were awesome.


I can still click on "Goofs"!😀


Moviechat brought much of the discussion board and old posts over. The look is imdb, too. One of the reason's why I liked imdb and this site so much is the simple userfriendly design.


Once upon a time...


I deleted my account after 16 years on IMDb when they removed the message boards, and I haven’t been back to the site since. I had some great movie discussions on there, about so many things that I thought nobody else was interested in. It used to be a great place.

IMDb also recently ruined another site I really enjoyed by the way, Box Office Mojo. That site is borderline unusable now that they got their mitts on it.

IMDb is sell out garbage now. I wish them nothing but the worst.

And for everyone bitching about “trolling”, aka “someone who disagrees with you” being the reason the message boards shut down...I really wish people knew you could just simply not respond to messages that offend you and move on with your life, because I believe the people crying about trolls and constantly tattling to moderators on that site like preschoolers is the reason they closed everything down. It was the start of offended cancel culture, also known as “lack of a spine” syndrome.

Anyways, I don’t remember a general discussion board On IMDb. I really liked the “Movie Awards” board, especially around Oscars time. That was a lot of fun.


Most of us here are from the IMDB days. I was there near the beginning in 2000. They removed them a few years ago due to a. cost of keeping them, b. didn't help the commercial aspect. c. conduct often unbecoming. IMDB. began as a nonprofit info page. Now look at it.


I never actually used the broader general topic boards on IMDb. There was so much traffic on the movie/tv boards I never had the need too. Didn't really understand them. Don't really understand this, to be honest. But individual boards still get so little traffic here.


That´s what I miss about them. Even really obscure old movies had some active discussions and even if you didn´t get a reply straight away, at some point someone would.


Yeah, I miss that about IMDb too. There were some amazing, priceless posts there. Used to drive me nuts when they'd periodically purge old threads from those boards. It's one thing to purge old threads on a new blockbuster with a very active board, another to purge them from old classics or obscure films and show.

Oh well, it's all in the past. MovieChat's owner saved what he could, and now it's 3+ years later and here we are. Thank god we've got somewhere!
