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Coronavirus expected to infect half of the global population with a 3% death rate

That’s over 115 million people that will die

This is insane


It won't be that high because we won't be testing 100% of the population. Those people who have contracted the virus, but show either little or no symptoms are unlikely to even realise that they have had it. Here are some examples: -

Idris Elba has got it and has confirmed that he has no symptoms whatsoever. The only reason he got tested was because he attended a function where there was another person, who was a confirmed case. If it hadn't been for this, he would have had no idea that he even had it.

At Arsenal football club, the manager Mikel Arteta and a couple of the squad have contracted the virus, however, they have reported that it's no more than a cough and a sniffle. In normal circumstances they wouldn't have been tested and again, wouldn't even know that they had had it.

So, in real terms it's 3% of the confirmed cases (not including the unconfirmed cases). But how many people have slipped through the net? We will never know the true figure.


Good point, you’re prob right. So you think they are overreacting?


We are virtually all going to get it eventually (if we haven't already). The Governments are just trying to make sure we don't all get it at exactly the same time. It's a fact that it is killing people and whilst this is a tragic thing to happen, people die in far higher numbers for all manner of illnesses every year. In my opinion the media isn't helping.
