MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The Future of Star Wars

The Future of Star Wars

I think that the next move of the Star Wars franchise should be to embrace the movie serial Flash Gordon roots more completely than ever before.

They should pick up after Rise of Skywalker, hire a bunch of writers of the kind who used to do one-off episodes for Star Trek, Doctor Who, or shows like that, and just start making stuff up. Forget trilogies, a destination, coherent plot - just rock out hard with whatever crazy sci-fi/fantasy nonsense and crank 'em.

They've already run it into the ground, turned it into a money-milking machine...why not have some FUN with it?


The future of Star Wars is now. Since it took place a long time ago, we’re their future. It’ll be about us, except that baby Yoda will finally be grown up, but he’ll be Force grown up, so he’ll be over 300 feet tall. Hi jinx ensue.


I would watch a 300 foot tall baby Yoda movie, sign me up!


"Honey, Blew Up the Kid, Did I"


Well done!


Please, no.


Why not indeed. These are just films after all and they can do what they like with them. Die hard fans who talk about "canon" like loony religious fundamentalists make my porridge putrify.

For instance in the latest films I think they should have borrowed from Frank Herbert's 'Dune' and made Rey a kind of Jedi Kwisatz Haderach ( the result of genetic enhancement with the memories of previous Jedi Knights ) which would have made her character more interesting and her highly developed abilities more believable.


Yeah, Star Wars nerds ruin everything. It's just a movie ffs!


Well they didn't really putrify my porridge, that was just a figure of speech.


Ah, well...


Yeah, Star Wars nerds ruin everything

Of course. Modern Star Wars movies are so shitty because of... fans. They ruined them!!! Directors, writers, producers? They're innocent! Blame the fans! 😄


I didn't say they're innocent...


I think the fans are going to get so worked up and angry , no matter how good the movies are , they will all form a cult and mass -suicide just to finally register their discontent


More TV shows, while hopefully... they develop a proper outline for the next series of films.


Rogue one and heck, even Solo were good, IMO. I hear Mandalorian is too, so I haven't completely lost hope on SW under Disney, even though they botched the sequel trilogy.


The Mandalorian was excellent...thrills, humor, fine SFX and wardrobe...quite a fine show

Rogue One was the best SW film since The Empire Strikes Back, imo anyway


I, too, like Rogue One.


It certainly was fine, I enjoyed the espionage and warfront scenes...It's probably the most violent and adult of all the SW movies

It's in my top 3 for sure!


I thought Rogue One was great (I liked Solo as well).


I haven't seen The Mandalorian (no Disney +) and I had no interest in Solo. Rogue One I thought was boring. I didn't like the characters (Alan Tudyk's droid excepted), I though the plot and action scenes were dull and lifeless, and I thought it undermined the role Princess Leia had (or has...thanks, Headcanon!) in the espionage and subterfuge to obtain the plans. I always assumed she was more involved, maybe planning it, and that she was certainly more cautious and cunning than to basically grab the plans, put them behind her back, and go, "Plans? What plans? I don't know what you're talking about? My hand isn't in the cookie jar."

So, I didn't like it.

I think the sequel trilogy is a really bad installment in the franchise, too, but I like Rogue One way less than The Force Awakens.


I wish there was no future tbh.


I sorta wished that starting in '99 when, as the prequels rolled out, I got that sinking feeling that Star Wars wasn't quite as special as it had been...

Shortly after Episode II I started thinking that they could reboot it and just try again. At the time, I felt Sam Rockwell would've made an entertaining and interesting Han Solo because he could spin the character in a new direction without throwing out every aspect of him. I also felt Ken Watanabe could have been Obi-Wan Kenobi.

That feeling has only grown, and while I've enjoyed occasional moments, Star Wars just feels tired and boring and the opposite of special: commonplace. It's a franchise. It's merchandise. It's an ouroboros: a commercial for itself.

Hence, why I think they could just start pummeling it without thought as to the direction or ultimate destination and just see if introducing chaos into the mix might breathe life into it.


At this point in time, I don't really care much. I'm kind of tired after 42 years of these movies.

