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What Video Games Are You Guys Playing....?

What video games are you guys playing at the moment?
I'm currently playing Dead Rising 2: Off The Record because I finished DR2 so I wanted to see what the Off The Record was like. Also playing Fortnite as well. Probably try to finish Kingdom Hearts 3 Re-Mind which is the latest DLC for the game this weekend. :)


A little update on what I played this weekend....I was able to get the last outfit for the Chic character on Fortnite with the help of my friend :) So we're just waiting for the 20th for the new Battle Pass. Instead of Kingdom Hearts III I ended up playing the first BioShock game b/c it's free this month on the PlayStation if you are a Plus member. I played the first two on the Xbox 360 so it's bringing back a lot of memories.


Super Mario 3 on NES. I like to stick to retro and classics.


Nothing. Absolutely nothing unfortunately. I dont have the time to invest in video games. And the games that I like to play take up...way...too...much...time. I'll be playing and next thing I know 6 hours have passed and I'm all like whaaa?


Played some FIFA 20, It's a bit shit.


Call of Duty - Modern Warfare is the newest. Also The Last of Us, God of War and Doom while I anxiously await the May release of Doom Eternal!
