MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > RottenTomatoes is deleting (again) negat...

RottenTomatoes is deleting (again) negative users reviews

Right now there's zero review in Doctor Who season 12. Reviews were quite negative, and RT has deleted them all. And the scores too.

Funny thing is the later votes weren't better, the score hasn't improved at all. Right now it's at 15%.


Why would they do that?

I haven't seen Dr. Who since Tom Baker and his awesome, silly scarf starred on it


To protect female Doctor Whoke. The last season and this one have gone fully woke, and that gives them a special protection card.


Oh, that's a shame
Stupid to wreck a fun show like that


It's still a fun show. It's just that conservatives hate it now because the Doctor is a woman.

They never referred to it as "woke" when in previous seasons there were gay characters, ethnically diverse companions, or going further back, story lines dealing with issues like environmentalism (Planet of Giants), nuclear war and Nazism (The Daleks), matriarchal societies (Cave of Skulls), colonialism (The Savages), corrupt religion (The Face of Evil), the dangers of oil drilling and fracking (Inferno), student rebellion (The Krotons), vegetarianism (The Two Doctors), slavery (Carnival of Monsters), CLIMATE CHANGE (The Ice Warriors)... but now she's a WOMAN?? OH GOD FULLY WOKE.

Every real fan knows this.


Some of that actually sounds interesting, but I've too much to watch:/


I don’t think it’s fair to expect anyone to catch up on 50 years of TV mate. I wouldn’t dismiss the new series, if you ever had a break in your schedule I’d suggest starting with Rose, Christopher Eccleston’s first episode in 2005. If you have fond memories of the Baker era I think it’s a great point to jump back in. 👍


Thanks for the info


Anytime amigo


I’m a Tom Baker man too!


Me and my little Sis loved that guy as kids
I still want a scarf like that!!


Hell yeah! When I was a kid I had a sticker on my bedroom door that said “Who is Tom Baker.” I cant even name any of the other ones. I wonder if the others wore a scarf.


No clue
Now I want to check out some of those Baker eps again👍


I had a scarf like Tom Baker's that I used during the winter when I was studying my degree, because of how much I loved the show. And I had a short beard and long hair. I looked like a bloody hippy 😄


Rock that look again👍


Not enough hair 😖


I know all about it:(


Would you like a jelly baby? They're really very good, you know.


Is that similar to a Gummy Bear?
If so yes, in fact I'd like a hundred


I'm not really sure. I think they are more like jelly beans. Baker always was offering them to people on Dr. Who.


Jelly Beans are good too
So yes, I'd like a hundred


Can't have people say what they really think now can we?

That's one reason they got rid of the IMDb message boards in favour of agenda pushing and not letting people have a say about it.


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