MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > People are so brainwashed. Case in point...

People are so brainwashed. Case in point: popular/hyped up soda and drink brands

Something that boggles my mind is how people will swear by a food item that has degraded in quality over time or tastes like crap, based on marketing, hype or familiarity alone.

For example, Mountain Dew and Pepsi. PepsiCo dramatically changed the formula for both a few years ago to the point where they're much worse than the cheap dollar store knockoffs. They literally taste like soap and/or other chemicals: Yet there are all these people on YouTube and other sites chugging both products crazy because of all of this flashy marketing and corny product lines like "Code Red."

Or what about the cookies and cream Twix? There are people raving that it's the best thing they've ever had and tastes just like the original that came out decades ago, but it doesn't taste anything like it. Not only that, it tastes like and has the consistency of flavored wax because of low quality ingredients. But people are swearing by it.

And then there's hipster crap like kombucha and Jones Soda. Jones Soda literally tastes like those experiments I used to do as a kid when I tried making my own soda by mixing juice powder and seltzer water. Kombucha tastes just as cheap, just seltzer with a little God-knows-what mixed in. But people are like, "Ohhh, this stuff is amazing!"

Are people this taken with marketing and branding that they can't even taste how poor quality an item is or has become over time?



I think you might be exaggerating a bit. No one is brainwashed.

Must get cherry coke...Must get cherry coke

Soda pop tastes the best it ever has cuzza science.


Funny that you mentioned cherry coke. I love cherry cola, but cherry coke just doesn't taste the same in Canada any more. Where I am we can only get occasionally as it's not regularly bottled here. Even when it is, it's just so-so. :(


I really don't drink pop all that often, but when I do, it is Canada Dry Ginger Ale, so I suppose I should thank you and your fellow countrymen.


Oh, Coca-Cola is addictive. There's a craving that isn't satisfied by Pepsi or any other cola product, when a Coke Fiend has the craving it's got to be a Coca-Cola product or nothing!

I'm kind of okay with my Coke addiction. I've been addicted to worse things.





Mountain Dew, containing "brominated vegetable oil". Yummy!


I've always hated the taste of Mountain Dew! Yuck.


Oh-ho-hooooo! I agree!


I read that article and I had to LOL. It says in so many words that you shouldn't care about the flame retardant because the sugar and calories are so much worse.


I gave up fizzy drinks about 15 years ago.


Wife and I gave them up too. Growing up we drank more soda than anything else, empty calories. My kids drink water and have no desire for fizzy drinks, candy, junk food, or fast food.


Totally agree - they're just so bad for you.






I really like the taste of Diet Coke. When I grew up it was just Coke or Pepsi and then Tab came along -it was terrible. Now I drink diet soft drinks, I can't stand the taste of the regular stuff.


I'm not giving marketing a pass at all, but I think the human condition (i.e people being creatures of habit and chasing trends) has a fair bit to do with this. So I wouldn't say it boggles the mind so much as it puzzles, it vexes sometimes, but it's also understandable.


Pepsi was always my favorite but yeah it isn't as good as it used to be ever since they started adding fetal tissue to their soda 😜😜😜
