What are you all listening to?
I've got Tom Petty going here
The guy was a boss!
the fall - impression Of j temperance
this is exactly what i want music to sound like.
"Janie Jones" - The Clash
shareMakes me think of The People's Temple Agricultural Project...Don't drink that stuff they gave you!!!
Beautiful voice, painful lyrics, lovely and terrible
This song just punched me right in the stomach
My wife keeps the house classy by playing beautiful music like this
As I prepare for the Oscars next week, I've been trying to watch the 'best actors and actresses' nominations. I ended up watching "Judy" this past week - a dull movie with a great performance by RZ. Made me pull out my 'Judy at Carnegie Hall' CD, which I haven't heard in many years (I went through a JG phase about 25 years ago - couldn't get enough of her music from the 60s).
The concert itself is nearly 60 years old, and still lives up to the hype of 'best concert album ever'.
A voice like honey
I need to see Judy