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Transgender mental disorder?

If I thought "This hand on my arm should NOT be there!! I was born with the wrong hand." Then I go get that hand sliced off to make myself feel better is that mentally healthy?? That's what transgender people are doing.. Before you say THATS AN UNFAIR COMPARISON both mental health issues cause someone to slice off a major body part that they were given at birth. Is it mentally stable to cut off your own major organs?


Gender dysphoria is a real condition but I think it's truly very rare.
The mental disorder comes into it with things like parents accommodating their toddlers or small children's whim to be another gender or people that may have other issues being far too encouraged and reinforced to be transgender when in fact they're just confused in general.


As Shogun asked, what's it to you? Why are you obsessed with this topic to the point where 4 of your 24 posts here are about transgenders? Let people do what they will as long as it doesn't hurt you, and you do what you will, as long as you don't hurt others.


Because there are people with mental disorders who like to try to stir things up. They know in their heart that they weren’t born banal and insignificant. They were born

They were born Trolls.


I was about to say this isn't even good trolling, and then realised I'd discovered a new oxymoron :)


And yet you, like I, have seen threads with posts from dillwits who wrote, “Great trolling, dude👍🏻,” akin to “Great terrorist bombing and killing of innocent civilians, my brother!”


Yep. I always assume they look and act like this:


Trolling may be comparable to a homeless person asking for change or what not, standing of course in a high traffic area.

But instead of lacking money, the troll lacks engagement, good social skills, and thoughts worth sharing, ultimately coalescing into a lack of attention.

So they plant themselves in a high traffic area begging for bits of attention, but since there are no internet police, they can freely use aggressive and ultimately counterproductive methods to achieve a dragon of faux satisfaction they will forever chase.

Its perhaps a version of all publicity is good publicity.


“There’s no such thing as bad publicity.”

I think we agree.


That's the saying!

It's in the same vein as Gordon Gekko's "Greed is good." And Trump's "Make America great again."


That's an interesting point of view. I never thought of it that way before. But the whole subject makes me want to hurl.



Blanket statements are hard things. For some it's a mental illness, for others it's a birth defect... A brain of one gender and a body of another.

But some go with it. Fem men like being Fem men. Butch lesbians like being boyish or manly but don't want gender reassignment surgery.

I don't believe in people being able to legally change their sex.


Male and female are two variations of the same creature. They contain the same hormones, just in different amounts.

Females are the basic form. Males are an alteration of that base form. This is why men have nipples and vestigial labias. This causes crossover, it's to be expected.

Being born without an arm is not a natural variation.

Of course, we are not natural wild animals anymore either. Many people need to have their appendix removed. Most people can no longer fit wisdom teeth in their mouths because our ape ancestors had longer jaws.

Lol that you posted this on Trump too, we all know he's where the bigots hang out.


Males and females also have 2 different sets of chromosomes. You are absolutely right that the female is the original, or “basic,” model, and that boy babies morph (sorry! not a medical tech) into having x+y chromosomes, which makes us less verbal, more mathematical, greater upper-body strength, less socially astute, more easily manipulated and essentially dumber than the double-x crowd. Except for that, men and women are at least 95 percent or more identical, so I think the dialogue about in which incarnation one was born is narcissistic, solipsistic, infantile, and completely dimwitted. The Universe decides the hand you are dealt in this go-round on the wheel. You are not even close to being as smart as the Universe. Play the hand you were dealt, and win. Whining is for puppies.


"Play the hand you were dealt, and win. Whining is for puppies."

I think some just get insecure not wanting to play the hand they were dealt, not wanting to let anyone know it's behind their back, too much social pressure to conform to a different "normal" hand that everyone else around them is playing, a programmed belief that playing the hand they're hiding is wrong, resistance to playing the hand makes it more and more foreign to even try playing as time passes, and it's just this circle of denial.

That's why so many fervent anti-gay anti-trans anti-All-That-Jazz types are closeted somethings, whether they really want to dress in women's clothes or want to have a male lover or want to be dominated by 12 African American bodybuilders.

Whatever, it's just seen as abnormal, and they don't want to play the hand they were dealt.


If a lot of people stated chopping their hands off, it would become a normalized part of society. Everything you know and take for granted about life is an illusion, ever shifting.


Wow, what an interesting and original idea

Not all transgender people cut off their genitals, btw. And even if they all did it wouldn't mean they're not "mentally stable". Many parents (including mine) opt to have their baby's foreskin cut off. Lots of people get piercings or tattoos. Foot binding used to be common in China. Neck rings are still present in some cultures. Say what you will about these practices, but they are not only carried out by mentally ill people. Body modifications are a longtime part of human history


Other than circumcision which they claim prevents AIDS, none of that stuff is covered by health insurance.


Circumcision was practiced long before AIDS was a known disease

And what exactly is your point anyway? Not all transgender people have medical insurance. And if they do, good for them. Insurance is a bullshit scam, if anyone can take advantage of it and reap more from it than they pay then I salute them


Putting aside the teeny tiny percentage of people who are mutations and want surgery for correction, it's most likely from some childhood trauma or underlying mental healthy issue. May also fall under the category of fetish.
