I enjoyed Aquaman. I loved The Fly and Tully. Haven't seen the other ones you got. What store did you buy them at? Where they all new or do you buy used as well?
All used.
I get some at the videoclub where they put their extra rentals for sales 6 months after releases. Prices ranges around 2/15$
And most of those I get a the used DVD/CD store where the price is 2/5$.
I forget that my local CD store also has used DVDs. I don't have any great desire to buy movies, but some are no-brainers. When my beloved Blockbuster was getting ready to liquidate I picked up a few inexpensive titles, like Michael Collins and The Lives Of Others.
I was at a 7-11 not long ago and I glanced at a display of DVDs. Had Mean Streets not been at the front I would not have bothered, but there it was for $3.99, I think. I have it loaded to watch but have not done so yet.