You are given a chair.
You see a tough-looking guy approach you.
What do you do?
I take my chair and head for the beach. ☀️🏖
shareThis is great. 🤣
shareThat was awesome!
Kind of like everyday life....dealing with the 'other guy'
Well posted👍
I would check the chair-back, especially if it's one of those spindled dining table chairs
A tremendous amount of crumbs and crud tend to gather in between the spokes on this style of's really gross (I have 12 of them and the cleaning is endless!)
If it's a chair with a cushion I might not sit on it, cushions are germ sponges and some people are really dirty and sweaty
I probably wouldn't use the chair to be honest and as for the tough guy I'd offer him a seat...least I could do really
Take a seat, ask the tough guy what he’s drinking and get the first round in. Slainté!
shareSounds like a party!
Vodka shots or a pint first?
Definitely a few pints to start before moving onto shots.
shareProper plan
Andy the 'right hand man!'
I’m convinced there’d be fewer wars in the world if I could get all the leaders to go on a pub crawl with me on a regular basis.
shareQuite right!
A lot of those idiots need to lighten up
About 30 years ago when I was living in Bangkok, I used to joke that I’d take the whole of the UN down to Soi Cowboy for a weekend. All the political tensions would soon be eased away.
shareBangkok...sounds like a wild time from what I hear
Bet you could have sorted them out...booze, babes, brawls
Just what they need ...though, don't OD them, the 'leaders' all seem like a bunch of soft chumps
Honestly, I had the time of my life out there. As for politicians - not a fan of any of them. Anyway, I’d better be careful, lest I get accused of shoehorning politics into the General Chat board (sorry everyone).
shareQuite a bunch of bums these leaders of ours!
At least Alexandria-Ocasio-Whatever is easy on the eyes...Pretty sure she's nuts too but hey, she is pretty hot!!
At this point I'll take hot, I don't expect any of them to be sane;)
I don’t know anything about her and I’m only aware of her existence because of the fact that she trends quite regularly on this site. But yes, easy on the eye for sure.
shareI don't know much either but I heard she had a cute dance video on Youtube so of couse I was all in LOL
I think she's for free college and some environmental scheme...
Whatever, stupid political crap aside she is a pretty hot lady!
Sit down.
shareI say out loud i have ebola.
shareShout "Sit down right now!"
shareI like tough lookimg guys.... so Id strip and them strike a sexy pose on the chair, like this....
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