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Commiting a crime and be guaranteed to get away

Is there anything you would try if you knew there wouldn't be consequences? I wouldn't have a problem with robbing a bank or money truck or steal from some big corporation. I wouldn't physically hurt anyone though.


I'd peek girls' skirts.


You mean like lifting them up? XD


yeah that’s not creepy or anything


Peeking skirts is just a silly "crime." I mean, most girls wear underwear anyway, you can just go to the beach to see women in a bikini / swimsuit.


I think its a violation of a woman's personal space and totally pervy. England actually just made it illegal and it can carry a 2 year sentence. I hope the US catches up.


Nah I was just dicking on you. Actually made me think of the beginning of Splash. Remember?


What's Splash?


It was an 80’s movie with Daryl Hannah and Tom Hanks. Daryl Hannah was a mermaid and if I remember correctly it started with Tom Hanks as a young boy on the dock, dropping change so he could peek up the ladies skirts.


Ah, never seen it.


Nevermind, just read orsonwells response, it’s way creepier!


I still don't really understand how he means with "magically making her stay".


Ikr? See “Misery”. You dirty bird!


I've seen it. I hope that's not what he has planned.


I would never pay taxes, I would leach the world dry, and I would become president of the United States.




Of course I would grab 'em by the pussy for good measure.


Would you build a wall too?


I would certainly devote all my energy to convincing people that we need it, despite, ya know, not.


But it will be a great tourist attraction.


Imagine all the graffiti.

Maybe one day they'll knock down the wall, and Mexico and the USA will be united as one, like East and West Germany in 1989.


One can hope :-)


what about Canada and the USA ??


probly just a sign will do


There isn't enough room to mention all the wonderful things I'd do to the women of my past


Give some examples at least :-D


there's one girl i'd love to kidnap and magically make it impossible for her to ever leave. she wouldn't wanna leave anyway after all the great movies we watch


we won't send her your way. 🙂🙂🙂🙂


Like hypnotism?


That sounds a bit creepy...


you know this isn't real, right?

(hears chickens in the background :) )


I know. I know.

And you're entitled to your thoughts.

Thankfully we don't have the Thought Police. Yet.

Still, I'm not sure how healthy it is even to hypothetically think of kidnapping your would-be girlfriend.

Surely the fantasy should be that she would come willingly to live with you forever.




Dude, this nutjob told me he’d punch me in the face if he saw me in person, knowing full well I’m female, simply because he didn’t like what I was saying on a different thread. Somebody has issues.


are you admitting females are weak?


I’m not sure how you came to that conclusion from my post, but since you asked, I have no problem answering honestly.
I think that any so-called man that threatens a female with physical violence is just about as sad and pathetic as it gets. I think you come off as being extremely insecure, and I think females intimidate you. You think I’m admitting weakness because you threatened to punch me in the face? That just proves to me what a candyass weakling you are. Does this make you feel tough or something? Hypothetically, lets say you did clock me in public. You would get the beatdown of your life by the real men that don’t tolerate pantywastes like yourself bucking up to a female. You threaten women with physical violence because you don’t have the balls or clout to step up to a male. You’re a spineless coward and I will always be stronger than you. Know this.


You contradict yourself so much but probably don't notice it. You are lacking in many areas.


Based on your ill-mannered hostility towards females, I fear you may be suffering from pussification. I have no doubt this is a result of the area you are lacking in. You were such a dangling disappointment to your ex, that the only way she’d stay with you is by forcing her against her will, you deranged fruitloop.


The more you chat on here, the dumber you sound. Please continue... (despite not understanding your non-English)


I sound dumb, says the dickbag who threatened to punch a female in the face.


You need a dictionary, and you need to get a life. You don't sound like fun. You punched yourself.


It's not much of a secret that females are physically weaker than males.


I'd like to steal cable but Comcast prices these days would likely make that grand larceny.


If you want to you can. Anything goes here.


I have no real compulsion to commit a crime, even if I could get away with it.

Although I suppose I wouldn't mind being able to sneak on a passenger plane and travel the world without paying for it, or running up my visa by staying in a country longer than I was supposed to, if I thought I could get away with it.

That kind of leads onto another hypothetical question though: what would I do if I could turn invisible or miniaturise.


"what would I do if I could turn invisible or miniaturise"

Yeah, that one is interesting too.


Money. Lots of money


using drugs, seeing a prostitute. as long as it didn't hurt anyone else. i'm against laws prohibiting those things already.


you'd be unlikely to be prosecuted for those, theres even places you can go where they are legal.

Personally sha***g a woman who is only in it for the money, is a real turn off for me


that's mostly true, i suppose. but there's still a non-trivial risk for most people who do things like that.
i just think they're terrible laws.
i actually don't really have any burning desire to do tons of meth or see a prostitute these days, but the fact both are illegal seems silly & counterproductive to me.


well you barely ever see a police round where i am these days , due to cutbacks , so id prefer they concentrate on the real crimes ...


Well shit, you can do all those things anyway!


Remove the tag from a mattress.


But that's not a crime.


