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the academy just gave a subtle fu to the trump administration

so many black winners coincidence i think not


It could be that they deserved them,over it being a Trump protest.


I don't even like Trump but I can't see how any of this computes.
I don't see how he could possibly care about black people winning awards..
Do you really think this?


I think it's so funny the left thinks Trump hates black people.


Don't you think that your post could be interpreted as somewhat racist?

The implication is that black people were awarded simply to piss off Trump, rather than the reality which is that they deserved to win on their own merits, irrespective of politics.


green book is a mediocre movie


Nah, Black Panther didn't win.


black panther won best production design over the favorite? are you kidding me, it is a basic marvel movie.


Should've won Best Picture.


No, this has been the norm since they made a big to-do about the Oscars being "too white" years ago. It's an FU to the truly most qualified films more than anything,but the Oscars have been a joke for a long time, so standard fare. Awards should be socially blind and color blind, and based on nothing but the final product.


fu to all award shows


Reminder that the Academy votes in a ranked system rather than one vote per member.


Let them have their time it was a boring time for movies last year.
