MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How can you tell if a person is stupid?

How can you tell if a person is stupid?

You can tell from what s/he does or enjoys. Some examples:

Writes text messages while driving.

Believes the person who calls on the phone and offers a free government Loyalty Grant in the amount of $20,000, and the only thing the recipient has to do is buy a $500 gift card and give the serial number on the card to the caller. Oh, and the $500 will be added to the size of the grant.

Believes that online dating sites really, really want to help him/her find a mate and stop paying them.

Believes Croft is a Romanian.

Is crestfallen when the food that McDonald’s actually serves doesn’t look the way that it did on TV.

Wonders how the entertainment industry finds so many people who are small enough to fit into a skinny TV and act out stories.

Believes the News.

Believes the Government.

Believes the Internet.

Believes Reality TV.


What? reality TV is NOT real?

I don't understand anymore


A person who thinks he is the smartest person in the room.


that's a special kind of stupid. stupid mixed w/ narcissism. lots of smart narcissists too.

weird that we finally got around to electing a dumb narcissist to the presidency.

maybe that means we're a dumb narcissist nation finally getting in touch with ourselves.


A stupid person THINKS he's the smartest guy in the room, but a genius like me KNOWS.


reply RKane👍


aka Arcane


When someone keeps making the same mistake over and over again, refuses to learn or listen to others when all signs point to caution, and does not realize they are stupid, if they even care. Ignorance is bliss.


stupid, or in the grips of compulsive behavior.

which is, i suppose, kind of a stupidity, some might call it, others mental illness.


That's a point I had not thought of. At least risk-taking has its rewards whenever it works. I can't help but think of a family relative who keeps doing dumb things like trying to fool around with live electricity while soaking wet, getting zapped only to do it again out of curiosity... (-_-)

We love that person though, chill attitude.


Einstein defined “insanity” as continuing to take the same approach to a given situation, but expect a different result. There is such a thing as what I call functional stupidity, where someone who has a lot of intellectual horsepower also has some kind of personal limitation
that causes him or her to get inferior results in certain kinds of instances; the pursuit of love is one of the most common instances.

Another red flag for spotting stupidity: The person asks “Do you know what I’m sayin’?” A LOT—because s/he sure as hell doesn’t.


Say something with a subtle intelligent insight or concept in it, and gauge by the response.


You are asking for the impossible Frog.


If someone asked this Questions. "How can you tell if a person is stupid?" Then you know.


You know what, you’re right. If I were asking for advice on how to recognize dimwittedness, I’d be pretty dumb. Good thing that’s not what I was asking for, then, isn’t it? If you had read my OP, I provided a sizeable list of my own Dumb Bunny Red Flags, then invited everyone else to join in the fun. This topic is a parody of another MC topic, “How can you tell if a person is intelligent?” that was created by someone who truly IS clueless. You read my title, thought you had an opportunity to be witty and clever, swooped in, and wound up being neither witty nor clever.
