MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If you time slipped 30 years, and were s...

If you time slipped 30 years, and were stuck, what would you do?

So time slipping is when you find yourself suddenly in a different era. It's been documented. Normally it fades back to present day (glitch in the matrix sort of thing).

But let's say you get stuck. You have 30 years of knowledge in your head. Are you going to do anything? Buy apple stocks around 1996? Invest in google? Stop 9/11 or at least set up a HD camera to see what really hit the towers?

What about stopping crimes? Or tragedies? Would you stop Diana dying in the Parisian tunnel? Stop Michael Jackson from hiring that quack who killed him?

Or would you just let things be as they are and not want to screw with anything?


Gosh, so many things to consider. Do not want to be one of those "be-backers", saying I will come back later then no-show. Have to think hard on this one.


Much like A...I'm going to need a moment to compose my plan...and oh yes...a
PLAN it IS! But mine will require two more decades to fully accomplish...can I slip fifty years?


People relating stories of going back into the past does not equate to proof or evidence. They are just stories.

There was a couple in England some years back who claimed they stayed at a hotel that seemed to be from the 1930's. They claim everything was from that era.

But when they went back the next year the place no longer existed.

Thing is...when they were questioned on things like how they managed to pay for things with new money, or how no one questioned their modern items such as their car, phone, watches etc they went strangely quiet.

Documented...yeah, right...


That couple in England is either nuts or liars imho.



Please provide documentation. I've gotta learn about this time slipping phenomenon since it runs so counter to the way I understand time works.


Exactly... Even that song says it goes the other way: "Time keeps on slipping slipping slipping, into the future."


The universe operates like software. This would be a glitch.


It's all mathematics. Everything is related to mathematics. 1s and 0s.


Not saying you're wrong. I like that software.


I’ve seen simulation theory videos and the inference is that he’s world is not real but he cant everything just be like software at the deepest level? No necessarily a fake world, just a world built upon code.


I'd buy stock, and then leave everything else alone. I've seen too many sci-fi movies to fuck with the past.



You could make a few bets, if you can remember some sports results


Back To The Future!



Pretty much limit the impact to my own life. Even what we perceive as bad events if we change them might unknowingly lead into something worse. It would be better to go back 35 years or just a little more for me personally. I could build up a little cash ahead of the Microsoft IPO in March 1986. Had a couple of flings with a couple of girls I knew before I got married.


Buy real-estate! since you could buy a small home for 50K then.


invent a few things!
like a clockwork radio. or google.
