MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > White woman blocks black man from enteri...

White woman blocks black man from entering his home, gets fired < - Video of event

Wow! She actually lost her job over this? Surreal what's coming to this day and age when you can't even be suspicious of anyone (even if they're black) if they don't have to prove they live in the building. He didn't even have a friggin keyfile (didn't present one, pushed his way in, use it on elevator) nor did he go directly to his room or answer any of her questions when she answered his (dumbly of course). So many red flags raised. How hard is it present a security key if you have one? Just flash the black thing then its a non-story. But nooo, he being black got to cause a scene (like usual) and use the race card.

In my building we also use keyfiles and have a notice stating to be careful of strangers coming in. If you don't recognize, you can question them.

-Don’t let strangers follow you into your building as you enter.
-Stop and wait for the gate to the underground parking area to close completely before proceeding on.
-Tell a neighbour or family member if you are going to be away. A watchful neighbour is the best defence.
-Your home should always have the appearance that someone is home when you are out.
-If you see strangers hanging around the buildings, please contact the police. No trespassers or loiterers are allowed at any time.


At the point where he was at his door going in that should have been the end of it.


You'll get yourself shot at the gate. FTS (fuk that shit)
