I find it fascinating that out of all the articles written about the "lowest ratings ever" for the Emmys, or Oscars, Grammys, etc. NO article ever written about any of these award shows will mention the ratings could be hitting rock bottom because all the awards shows have now become 3 hour political preach fests. These writers simply refuse to believe or acknowledge that. I wonder if they truly believe if you alienate half of the population you're ratings won't decline?
Of course, it's pretty obvious it's because they side with the Hollywood preach machine. It is frustrating though to see article after article bypass this fact. I'm not saying increased options for television, or streaming, etc. are not causing a decline as well, but I know for a fact that the political spewing has caused millions of people to turn off awards shows. Read all the comments after the articles ignoring the political aspect of the ratings decline and you'll see what a lot of people are really thinking.
I used to love awards shows. I can't watch them anymore because of the non stop politics. They lost me, and I don't see it changing anytime soon for myself and a lot of people.
I'm not offended by anything that's being said, I just wish movie awards shows were about movies again, TV awards shows were about TV again, and music today sucks so bad I wouldn't watch The Grammys even if they weren't preaching to me.
There has to be an escape from politics somewhere. It's amazing that some people spend their whole life arguing about politics. Has anyone ever changed their mind in a political argument?
I don't agree with anything you've said here, but I will put politics aside for the moment.
Personally, a long time ago I realized I took no pleasure in seeing a lot of famous people dressed to the nines, trying to look absolutely fabulous while the press and fans fawn over them. I'm glad certain people have certain talents and appeal and they can make a living and have a somewhat unique life, but I see no need to make a public celebration over it.
Again, I just have no desire to watch the beautiful people be treated like idols.
Well, that's complicated. If a bunch of people who don't want to hear truth spoke against an oppressive regime, then yes, ratings decline. But if all we are concerned about is having enough mutton heads leering at Stars so we can justify ramped up advertising rates, w/o acknowledging what's really going on in the world, I don't like that.
These people have a platform to point out social injustice. If the rest of the sheeple don't want to reminded of this, perhaps they should check their Conscience at the door and watch Archie Cartoons.
I'm all for diversity and immigration, but are they serious? There were maybe ten times throughout the broadcast that they slammed white people just for being white. It was like they generalized the entire race, bashed them completely and expected everyone to laugh and actually believed they were right. One or two jokes, fine. But they just kept going with it. And I hate when people say "we have a lot of work to do" with diversity. It's not work, it's reality. White people gravitate towards white people, black people gravitate toward black people. It's not racism, it's just being more comfortable with your own race. No one criticizes the lack of diversity in Chinese cinema, so why do they attack Hollywood for at least trying for diversity? I mean, they were preaching about how this year there was diversity in the nominees, but I didn't see any transgenders, Muslims, people with disabilities or natives. It's only considered diverse when there is a large group of white people with a strong percentage of black people in that group.
I don't think anybody is against diversity, but getting constantly beat over the head what color everybody is over and over and over, it's ridiculous. These are the people keeping all the -isms alive. That's all they think about and talk about.
We actually have presenters calling out nominees for being men, or being white. Are you fucking kidding me? How disrespectful is that? That's not any different than what they say is being done to them?
Not that the self righteous snob cares, but Natalie Portman lost a fan here when she shit on the directors at The Golden Globes last year, insinuating that they were nominated because they had testicles. Here are the "ALL MALE nominees". I only found out about that because I wanted to read who won the actual awards. Fuck her.
Fighting sexism with sexism is bullshit, as is fighting racism with racism, etc.
I'll always be a huge movie fan, but until this constant berating of the audience with preaching, lecturing, and politicizing EVERY god damn thing stops, I will never turn on an awards show again. It's not fun to watch anymore. I just look up who won the next day. I've spoken to ridiculous amounts of people who are sick of these political rally awards shows too, so the worthless "media" in this country can spin the ratings tanking any way they'd like, but they are dead wrong if they think the lecturing Hollywood stars haven't been at the forefront of the ratings decline.
I'm not some blind sheep conservative either. I'm just so fucking sick of it. I just simply want to be able to watch a decent fun awards show again, like back when when Billy Crystal hosted The Oscars.
These people in Hollywood really do live in a bubble where they think everyone wants to hear their every thought. Let them kill their own "pat on the back" parties.
I would think that after decades of favoritism, and still looking forward to more decades of favoritism, White Men would have broad enough shoulders to take the hit and understand they have had it Great for a Long Time, and maybe things change, and we can facilitate this in the best way possible. Not Boo-Hoo, we're so being treated badly.
Tell that to the latest rape victims, child abuse victims, discriminated against victims, incarcerated-or-shot-while-being-Black victims. Man, I tells ya, being a White these days is a rough life. Feels like I'm being treated like a Nigger !
Guess what, ALL races of people are the victims you are mentioning. Child abuse, rape, discrimination, they have victims of ALL races. You only care about the victims of the "colors" you care about I guess?
I'm talking about equality. What are you talking about? Since "white people" as you generalize it have had it so well for so long that people should treat them like shit, or what people perceive minorities have been treated like? Yeah, keep fighting racism with rascim. That will make it all go away. Maybe you don't want it to.
How about just being a decent human being to everybody, and not mentioning race, sex, etc. every minute for 3 straight hours at a television or movie awards show? Maybe try not blaming everything that has ever gone wrong in your life on your skin color or genitalia, or someone else's skin color or genitalia (and I'm not talking about rape victims, child abuse victims, victims of violence, etc. before people want to get on me about that. I'm talking about AWARDS SHOWS AND HOLLYWOOD)
Your post is more racist than any other post on this thread snepts. But that's ok as long as the correct race of people is the target.
That's not equality. You just sound bitter. You can have your awards shows. Enjoy your lectures come awards season.
The main topic still hasn't been addressed. Why doesn't the media report about people turning off awards shows due to political preaching???
I don't watch award shows, and it has nothing to do with politics.
Personally (and i say that with intention), I like when people with a high profile bring light to social ills.
What i don't like is when celebrities preen before cameras while our social structure crumbles beneath us.
Famous people can use their platform to bring attention to inequality. To not do this is callow.
If all we want is to be entertained, give us cake and circuses.
So if you have an axe to grind about award shows and politics, o-k, you've made your point.
You've made your mind up. What is anyone supposed to say to change that?
That's the problem with Free Speech. If we have one network that id dedicated to feeding us false and misleading information, people damn well better speak out about what's really going on out there.
I urge everyone who doesn't want to hear celebrities speaking out, only watch one television network and boycott anyone you expect has SOMETHING TO SAY.
Don't watch awards shows. I don't, but for different reasons.
Heck, the way everyone complains about celebrities speaking Truth to Power, maybe I SHOULD be watching.
Thanks for the heads up, y'all.
One network? There is a hell of a lot more than one network feeding false and misleading information. Hollywood feeds it too. Keep drinking that kool aid.
I agree. When I heard Natalie Portman say that, I thought: "why is she blaming these men? They didn't ask to be nominated. Why not just say: "Although I'd like to see more women in this category, here are the talented and deserving nominees"? That would have been so much better.
I'm a white dude and I have no problem with someone joking about my whiteness, but I hate the generalization where because I'm white, I can't have an opinion on things. I'm sorry but if you're constantly ridiculing me for being white, or saying "all whites are bad", at some point I'm going to have to defend myself without the ridiculous argument of "when have you been oppressed?" Have I been oppressed to the point of slavery? No. But it's also not a free-for-all. That doesn't make you immune to be racist toward me.
One of my best friends' brother is blind. One time an Asian woman had the guts to tell him that he had white privilege. Does she have "seeing" privilege then? Why is skin privilege wrong, but non-disabled privilege okay? The arguments are weak.
And another thing that upsets me is that when we bring up race, we automatically assume black and white people.
If I wanted to watch a bunch of racist, sexist, hypocritical idiots blabbering on about things they don't understand but do anyway because it's popular I'd create a Twitter account.