Last night I had a dream...and we were all there😃
We were gathered for a special occasion...but there was a underlying sense of
Dread. The hall was decorated in bright colors and bobbles...but there was still a presence of melancholy. The party and it's members were festive...although we all knew it to be a dance...and we knew the tune was called by change. It was at this moment we all realized change was not our friend...but still...WE DANCED!
The rhythm and the melody was the same fior all of us...but the dances were as different as the party goers. Kspkap an DB were doing the charelston while Frogarama did the kick worm. MMC2 was doing the humpty dance...while thewaitress and charlikelly did the mashed potato. I myself was doing not only the smurf...but also the popeye and the Jerry Lewis. Although I never heard the announcement...we all knew that cocktails were being served. There was a feeling of resignation for all of us...but the drinks flowed and...WE DRANK!
The libation was strong...but our spirit was stronger...and no hostility existed.
Catbookss and Dazed proposed a toast..and if memory serves went like this...may we all live as long as we want...but never want as long as we live. We all said hear hear...and drank deeply! After the toast...we all broke into groups and partook in communion with one another. We laughed...we cried...we healed a wound that was ethereal but at the same time gravitational. Stratego wept as Michigan J Frog comforted her...while RussellNash was exchanging laughs with Hodd AND Watt. Hownos was the life of the party...and miss Margo sparkled like Bette Davis's eyes. We were all engaged in one form of emotion or another...except one.
A dark figure was at all times just outside of the soirée. The figure was not frightening...but instead seemed to be that of a Shepard...overseeing its flock. As I sought to have conversation with the would dissolve to a location just out of my reach. The desire to communicate was like ravenous hunger...but a loud ring struck in the hall. At that moment the figure vanished and was replaced by Padeen. He announced that a feast had been prepared for all of us...and that we should take our seats at the table.
The table was of a size that was incomprehensible...but we sat and conversed with each other as if everyone was right next to us. ShogunofYonkers said a blessing...but I didn't close my eyes. Everyone was bowed in reverence...all but myself and the dark figure. He was poised behind captainbucky and dirty Barry...but was next to me as soon as I realized him. He knelt to me ear and said don't be afraid Deliciousfeet...I am your friend. At that I stood and shouted...but you are going! are my friend but that is ending...everything will change! I was standing alone...all of you were staring at me. My emotion was visible when Glenn Ellen told me from across the table...change is no friend to any of us! Change calls the tune we all dance to!
We have is time to eat. And so...WE ATE!
We feasted on barbecued pork...and salad...both potato and macaroni....and then I woke up...